
Would you be dissappointed or feel less of a man or a woman if you or your partners produced all daughters?

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Would you be dissappointed or feel less of a man or a woman if you or your partners produced all daughters?




  1. No, if that's what you got, then that's how it was meant to be. Appreciate what you have and love it, because others may be wishing to have what you have. I would love all my children the same whether they were male or female regardless of what I wished to have. I'd like to have at least one girl and one boy, but I end up with something else, I will still love them the same and appreciate that I got them. That is quite sexist! Also, it's nobody's fault things like that happen, it's life.

  2. How sexist.. We are all humans!

  3. The medical facts are that the male sperm is xy chromosome and the female is xx, ultimately it is the male who will determine the s*x of his offspring. Do not worry about what s*x you child is/are or will be. When two xx chromosomes match you get a girl and when it is xy you get a boy. You can look these facts up in any medical dictionary, or discuss this with an obgyn. There are a lot of people who have several boys then all of the sudden have a girl. It could be worse, my friends daughter was born without a uterus and cannot have children at all, imagine how much less of a woman you would feel like if you or your partner were in that situation, consider yourself blessed and all man or woman since you are able to have children.

  4. I did produce three daughters (no sons) and I could not be more proud of them and all my family.  To suggest that not having a son is some sort of failure is outrageous as the outcome is a game of chance played with X and Y chromosones.

    And just for the record I was hoping for a girl during each of our pregnancies.

  5. I think every father would love to have a son, however this is another child coming into the family so no one would be 'disappointed'. My Uncle would have loved to have had a son, however he has 3 girls. I'm sure he loves them just as much as if they were boys.

  6. no... that has nothing to do with that.......

  7. What kind of quesiton is that?  You either get a son or a daughter and like it!!  No, Love it.

  8. No wonder you call yourself "Lonely."

  9. No Way

  10. Of course not!  It is all completely random and why on earth would having all daughters be worse than having all sons.  I would love my children no matter what s*x they were, the only thing you've got to worry about is that they are healthy and well loved.

  11. All I ever really wanted was a HEALTHY child.

  12. What, are you a cave man or something?

  13. I would not be disappointed in my daughters, but I personally really want a son, someone to carry on the name.

  14. girls are great. God brings to us who is ment to be in our lives. some people cant even have children. so i would consider the couple lucky to just have a family

  15. no

    you get what you get and you dont throw a fit (as said by little sister forever ago)

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