
Would you be embarassed if you met a celebrity that you hadn't heard of?

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I met Matt Hughes (UFC celebrity) on a plane Saturday morning. Not being a huge UFC fan myself, I had no idea who he was. We had a pleasant conversation in which we each introduced ourselves to one another and he mentioned that he was a "professional athlete." Then he said he was a Mixed Martial Arts fighter. When we landed, I phoned my friend who IS a huge UFC fan and he went beserk.

Is Matt Hughes gonna think I'm really lame because I didn't know who he was?




  1. obviously the sport still has growing to do.

  2. As I was returning to school after winter vacation, my friend and I were waiting for our connecting flight,

    We saw this incredible attractive women,

    who was much taller then her male counterpart

    (the guys face was covered with craters/ similar to that of scratched chicken pox scares)

    I had no idea who was until we went to the bar and then bartender pulled out a music with the guys face on the cover.

    come on , Do you think Paris Hilton would ever think twice about if some one knew her or didn't know her?

    Plus Matt Hughes is so short, he probably gets asked where his accompany adult is at the airports.

  3. I wouldn't be embarrassed- and he probably was grateful to meet someone who he could just talk to. Famous people are just regular folk like the rest of us-it's just that some of them don't know that (or they forgot).

  4. I would not be embarrassed one iota.

    People are people.  If you're great you don't need to advertise.

    Who cares what Matt Hughes thinks?

    If he subscribes to that which is on his website, about being a Christian, then he probably thinks you're a nice guy.

    Which brings me to another point, can you be Christian and do mixed martial arts as sport rather than as self-defense only?

    Just a thought.

  5. from what I read he doesn't like being recognized a lot any ways. when his local paper came up to him and asked if they could ask him some questions he said how many they said 50 and he said OK and after ten he asked if they were done. mma fighters and a lot of rock star type still feel like one of the guys even after there success

  6. actually he probably would appreciate it if he was a "normal" non-egotistic ***.

    my guess is that he wasn't. you don't see it much with mma fighters my guess is because they haven't gained such huge "star acclaim" yet- so I'm guessing most are down to earth- if not they would probably be jackholes even if they weren't pro fighters.

    I'm sure hughes would rather be sitting next to you on that flight than your nut-hugging friend who would probably be asking all stupid stuff and acting like an ***.

    He probably had an enjoyable flight engaging in some normal pleasant conversation with someone normal to pass the time.

    EDIT: btw- how's fiona?

  7. You met Matt Hughes? I'm so sorry it had to be him, I swear, they're not all like that

  8. As people reach celebrity status, they should be used to criticism, positive and negative

    The fact that you had a pleasant conversation should be enough for him to have a positive view of you.

    If I met any star from any reality show for instance, I wouldn't have a clue who they are, so don't feel bad. If they think I'm a jerk , then sucks for them.

    I think it's awesome you met Matt Hugues.

  9. dude...ufc is the s**z..

    how can you not know matt hughes..>?

  10. I actually think he'll be refreshed that you didn't know him. He will be glad to be treated like a regular guy instead of some icon who is fawned over.

  11. who cares? he's just a small town boy from rural illinois man...he just went places. no big deal. infact it was probably refreshing to him that you didnt just want a piece of him like everyone else....

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