
Would you be embarrassed???

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if on your wedding day your bride or groom refused to kiss you???? That's what my sister's friend did cuz she said she was embarrassed to make out in front of everyone....when the groom leaned in to kiss her she backed away lol




  1. Maybe she was incredibly nervous about the whole day and was just startled!  I don't think we can make assumptions about the success of their marriage from one move. :)  I'm sure if he tried again or said before that it'd just be a quick peck, she'd be up for it.

  2. well i mean if it was like an all out porno kiss that could b bad but (this sounds lame) take advise from the movie the wedding singer there r church kisses and private kisses u have to find 1 that works for u and ur confortable with

  3. she did what!?!?!?!?!?! thats crazy.  h***s yeah i would be embarrassed.  she didn't think about that before the wedding.  what did he do?  what did people in the audience do?

  4. She will remember that for the rest of her married life. Sucks to be her.

  5. it's like saying your ashamed of your husband! if you love him so much, you would do crazy things for him just to make him happy! as long as you guys don't see any tongues going through another mouth

  6. yes i would be embarrassed and i bet the groom was... she will remember that the rest of her life

  7. First of all you aren't making out.  Its just one kiss.  And usually with no tongue.  

    If she felt that way though she should have talked to him about it before the ceremony and come to a mutual agreement of how the kiss should have been.

    To late now.  I hope he forgave her.

  8. That's something that should have been clarified before the service.

  9. if she is that concerned about what people think then she is far too immature to be married.

  10. yes that would be ridiculous. haha.

  11. Very sad. She doesn't sound mature enough to be married.

  12. omg i would be so embarrassed! why wouldnt she want to kiss her hubby.i would start having a full out make out session but i think a kiss on the lips for a few seconds or even a little tongue is ok. this is your first kiss as husband and wife it is so special! i have been to weddings where they say the bride and im like wow what a sucky kiss lol

  13. OMG - I'd DIE!!!  You don't have to make out, you can just kiss and not even open your mouth, you know???

  14. i would be pissed man...she is a ***** for doing that to someone she is supposedly loves!

  15. i wouldn't be embarrased i kissed in front of a lot people before it didnt really feel all that different from kissing alone

  16. Of course. That is so incredibly rude. I can't believe someone would do that to the person they "love." How embarrassed that person must have felt for their future spouse to refuse to kiss them.

  17. I would be embarrassed. My husband grabbed me and made out with me in front of our 150 guests. I am sure our moms were more red then we were. But it was fun and I am not embarrassed about it.

  18. She's gonna regret that for the rest of her life!  I feel bad for the poor groom.  

    She wouldn't have had to "make out" with him, even a peck on the lips would've been fine.  

    I agree with another poster that said, sounds like maybe she's not mature enough to be married.

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