
Would you be for or against the propose "racial slur ban" (mainly the N-word)?

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I remember seeing it someone where on television. I laughed it off as a really stupid joke. Personally, I don't agree with it because it is another way to deprive me of my freedoms and goes against the constitution (and our birthrights as human beings with free will, but what laws don't lol).

While I don't agree with racial slurs, it is very hypocritical to ban ONLY racial slurs and not the fat slurs, blonde slurs, etc. Come on... its ridiculous.

Furthermore, it is our freedom of speech in America that was on black people's side coming out of slavery and segregation. Why take freedoms away?

Your thoughts?




  1. I agree with the late George Carlin, that there are no bad words, just bad intentions.  

    Frankly, I think the N-word has a valuable place in our language and culture.  To my thinking, it applies specifically to those who could be literate and successful, but who consciously choose not to be and then blame others for their situation, and who can talk smoothly for hours and not actually say nothing.  If someone is acting like a fool, he deserves to be called a fool and not hide behind political correctness or charges of racism.

  2. Freedom of Speech is just that "freedom of speech."  Some people are called a lot worse than the N word.  The best thing to tell people is quit being offended by words.  Quit carrying your feelings on your shoulder.  Grow up.  Slavery has been abolished, but the whites don't have to like the blacks and the blacks don't have to like the whites.

    We can call each other names all day long but when we put our hands on each other to harm then that is a different story.

    Let me ask you something else.  Who is going to police the tongue?  Not Washington, because they can't bridle their own.  Our regular police force already has more than they can handle.  

    How do they think they will enforce this stupid law?  I can hear it now.

    Oh, you just thought you heard me say that.  I would never say that.

    That recording is not my voice.  We don't have enough good judges now to claim justice for our people.  All the judges need is another stupid law.

  3. I do not agree with racial slurs...or any other slurs in fact..

    I cannot believe people of african-american ethnicity can moan about the racial slur n*****!!

    That is all i hear coming out of their mouth! Now that is hypocritical!!!!

    Granted, not all blacks say things like that as they actually understand it is a word of slavery.

    What difference will a ban make? People will never stop using words that are offensive!

    It is a freedom of speech.

  4. It's just words. Yes, they hurt people but doesn't anyone think that the power you give to a word makes all the difference? I find that the word "d**e" can be a very erotic word when used in the right context however, there are people who find it offensive therefore I reserve that word for my liking. I don't walk around shouting it from the rooftops.

    If words are used in a hateful manor then no, I don't agree with it but it is a violation of the first amendment to censor people's speech. I also feel that black people have the right to say it as often as they want amongst themselves. Blacks were called all kinds of names through the centuries and they took that word and made it something that is a part of their culture. The power that is put into words makes all the difference.

    Don't get me wrong. I don't care for that word nor do I use it but if I hear it coming from one of my black friends, it does not move me one way or the other.

  5. That is a disgusting word. Personally when I hear someone use it, i automatically know i have no desire to even be that persons friend. regardless of the person ethnicity that used it.

    It has been used for to long as a way of oppression and hate.

    Although i agree with you that freedom of speech in needed, and banning someone from using a word is wrong, i use my freedom of speech to tell anyone using it that they are as ignorant as the words they use.

  6. Sure it's a very bad word if used in an inappropriate way and I think people are way too serious about the N-word. I mean, it's a huge risk for a comedian to say the n-word if s/he's not black.

    But how about all other slurs? How about arab slurs? I agree with you it's ridiculous.

  7. well it would be pointless to ban it, in my opinion. you can't stop someone from saying that word, no matter how hard it's enforced. i hate the word, and i have never used it. i think that anyone who uses it is ignorant. especially blacks who use it. while i'm all for freedom of speech, disassociate myself with anyone who uses it. basically it's a time waster to ban it. people still use drugs, and those are illegal

  8. Such a proposal is completely illogical and unconstitutional. I can't believe there are actually people who support such an idea. Personally, I don't use the word, but I'm not crazy enough to think that it should be banned.  

  9. You cannot ban any sort of slur, racial, homophobic, ANYTHING without stripping people of their rights given to them by our founding fathers, firstly, FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

    This doesn't just apply to the "nice" people, it's for everyone.  Just because we don't like what the KKK has to say (it's vile if you ask me) doesn't mean they don't have the right to say it.  It's the same rights that allow LGBT folks to get up and speak our minds about our rights and g*y marriage.  If we strip rights selectively from the people who say "nasty" things, what's to say that people like John McCain and George W wouldn't try to take those rights away from us because THEY find it offensive.  

  10. against. that word is just not pretty. and neither are alot of hateful words like "dye" and "fa.g" i mean ew. why make the english language sound horrible.

  11. the words won't 'go away' if U ban them ! & how could such a ban B enforced ?

  12. You either want to live in a free country or you don't. Comes down to that.

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