
Would you be happier if Rangers won all their games and Celtic lost all of theirs or vice versa?

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Or you could opt for both teams either winning or losing all their games.Which is impractical,because they have to play each other.And will the Wee Willie Winkies win most golds at the Olympics,which,I believe are this year being held in Lisbon?




  1. Just as long as it's 4 in a row I don't care who wins or loses.

  2. would be good if they both fluffed a season and someone else got the trophy

  3. The Lisbonians,will be watching on tv, because a chineninkian city has got the oilimphicks.

    Classic Boab.

  4. looks like it for the weakest links, right enough.  did they no invent kite flying as well?  they've got it all.  

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