
Would you be happier if you didn't know about death?

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would you be happier if you lived in a world where there was no subject of death. Living things still die but know one new about it. Where you grow up not knowing that you or anything will die just like everyone else. or would you rather live in a world like this where we all know we will die one day and there might be nothing more than that. we're born, we live, we die and thats it.




  1. i think it would take a lot of stress off humanity if death was shunned to society. I mean really, a ton of people are anxious towards death and affraid of it. Sure there's etnernal life but what happens in it? No one really knows but just assumes and guesses. I would honestly say i'd rather not know about death, though would society funtion properly without knowing it....  

  2. I like the way it is. How else would you motivate yourself? What would the point of living be if there was no end? Knowing that i'm going to die and that's the end just makes me fel like I must squeeze as much good stuff out of life as I can! Though I'd like to think that either i'll be reincarnated-or go to the summerlands but I can live without that. Whatever happens or desen't happen I like knowing that my energy will go to use back in the earth.=D  

  3. yes i would be happy if not relieved ... I'm thanatophobic  

  4. no.

  5. no because after death, there is eternal life

  6. wouldn't you still wonder where your loved ones have gone and your old friends, that alone would make you sad

  7. Yes and I was happier thinking my family and friends would go on forever.  I guess I prefer to accept that all things must end, however, I believe just the body dies and not the spirit of a person.  You have to prepare for death, like you prepare for life.  Yes Virginia, there is a heaven.

  8. Definitely this world, even though it kind of sucks right now. But I like the fact knowing that when I die I will be with my Lord and Savior.  Not only that but I will be with people I have loved that have passed before me. Go to sleep wake up in Heaven.

  9. No,

    Death is what makes Life so beautiful.

  10. Not really. It's one of the fringe benefits of being religious. LOL!

    Our associate pastor said something that I believe in really strongly: death is like walking through a door. You are just in another room now.

    Of course no one can MAKE you believe. You do or you do not. So I don't mean to sound preachy or anything. But thank the Lord that when I am on my deathbed I will believe I am just walking through the door!  

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