
Would you be happy if the Federal Government took over your kids school?

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I see a lot of rhetoric about education in this years presidential election. Complaints that more funding should be shifted from "the war" to education.

However, historically, school funding and school administration has been local in the US. There are local school boards and local property taxes has been the main source of school funding.

Do people really want the federal government to fund and control your kids school?

And a follow up question, is your answer is no, why on earth is there a Dept of Education in the Presidents Cabinet?




  1. My kids have all graduated, but I'm sure I'll have grandkids going to public schools in the future.

    My answer, since I live in the CA Bay Area, would probably be yes. While I'm not usually a fan at all of centralized government control, in the case of education I might be willing to make an exception since our local school board is owned lock, stock and barrel by the teachers and public employees unions, and is run for their benefit, not that of the kids.

    It's not that I think the Federal Gov't would necessarily be "good" at running local schools, it's just that I don't think they could be any worse than the bunch of extreme left wing liberal socialists running them now.


  2. No, the federal should not be involved in public schools beyond what may be specified in the constitution.  The Dept of Ed is just another example of the nanny state mentality, and over-reaching control by the federal govt.

  3. The answer is that the feds already own the school system. You do know that there are federal standards for schools don't you?

    The average is around $10K for each student in the class. That is federal funds alone, now add what you think the state is paying in. Now add in the time by the volunteers.

    What you are asking for is the feds to stop putting money into the schools system and making the cities, counties and states pay for education. Won't happen. The fed is a cash cow that the schools do not want to kill.

    What the real question should be is why does there have to be an administrator for every four teachers? What are we paying these guys for?

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