
Would you be hurt by this?

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My niece Kathy just had her 13th birthday party and I bought her movie tickets because she really wants to go see Sisterhood of the travelling pants 2. Now she is my niece by marriage but have known her since she was 1 year old. I met my sister-in-law (her mom and my husbands sister ) at her first birthday party. Her mom is in a bit of trouble with the law at the moment so I wanted to do something really nice for her. I wrote in the card there is enough movie money tickets for her and 3 friends to go to the movies plus popcorn and pop. I would drive them to and from the theater. I was even going to volunteer to buy some pizza if she wanted to. She opens the card and a gives me a hug and says she is so happy. When my husband asks her who she is going to take she says to her other aunt my husband's other sister "Oh Aunt June, will you go with Heather and Wendy(her two sisters) with me?" Aunt June says "Yes. It'll be a girls day out just us". I was like what the F***. I am the one who bought the tickets. What about asking me to go if your going to ask your Aunt. I guess blood is thicker than water no matter how long you have been good to someone. I didn't really care to go but to be excluded when I bought the tickets kind of sucked. I really meant them to be for her and her friends or her sisters not June. June is the one that really pissed me off. Kathy just hurt my feelings that she picked June over me. My husband doesn't think I should be upset. He says I am too sensitive. What do you think?




  1. i would be hurt but wouldnt hold a grudge against my 13 yr old neice. they could have been talking abot a girls night and when she opened your gift it seemed like the perfect opportunity. the other aunt should have suggested that she ask you first. just keep being an awsome aunt and try to invite her to do more things with you in the future.

  2. your husband is right, you're being immature. its her decision you shouldnt be hurt. if you want her to be happy you shouldnt care who she picks. maybe she likes her other aunt better than you. if you really want to be her favorite try to get to know her but that shouldnt be important at all. if you really love her all that should matter is that SHE is happy

  3. maybe you are over exhaderating, sure you bought her the tickets, but it was her gift and her decision to pick who she was going to go with, so u really shouldnt be upset

  4. i would be upset too if it was me. i dont think she should have done that in front of YOU.

    you're such a good aunt. my aunt never gives me anything for my birthday, christmas, etc.

    maybe the other aunt is closer to her or something.  

  5. Kathy is a child but you aren't. This is her birthday present and she should invite who she wants. That's what you wanted right? You did not specific it had to be you too. If you wanted to go.. you should have said.. and I'll go with you guys. One day she will look back on this and think.. OMG that wasn't nice of me.. but she's a kid and like kids they only think of themselves and what they want right now.. and right now.. she wanted her other aunt with her. Be cool about it and let it go.  

  6. I may be a little mad at first, but in reality if thats who she wants to go with and they are her tickets anyways, it shouldnt be a big deal.

  7. I partly agree with your husband.  I don't believe that you are too sensitive (because I don't know you well enough to make that assessment) but, I do believe you shouldn't be upset.  Hurt maybe - but then again you gave her a gift with the intent of her bringing whom SHE wanted.  If you give a gift with certain "guidelines" then you should have made it that way.

    For instance - if you wanted to be the one to go with her - you already offered to bring her to and from.. You could have said you'd bring her to the movie on her birthday or a weekend.  So, you'd be going IN with her.  And that she can bring two friends along.

    If you truly didn't care about going...  Then you should just let it go.  You may have been GREAT to her - but that doesn't mean everyone else was rotten to her.  So, when you tell her to invite anyone she wants she may not think about asking the gift giver...

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