
Would you be hurt if you were me in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i dont talk to my old frineds anymore, if you have heard.

and i had one friend who got my through it (she is older)

she kept telling me they were bad people and to not hang out with them,

so today i find out she is hanging out with them

im hurt. like totally back stabbed. when i found out its like i fell into a pit and hit the bottom.

why would she do that?




  1. fffgtd

  2. Maybe you made her feel hurt when you hung out with them....

  3. move on.

    find better friends.

    good luck

  4. Thats not very cool! Often people do things like that to drive you away, so they can become closer to the circle. Pull the daggers out of your back and move on, and def dont trust her anymore

  5. i'd definately be hurt and you should talk to her and figure out what happened. also never listen to what someone tells you. she tried to control you and thats not a healthy friendship.

  6. she was jealous that you had those friends. she wanted them to herself. yea it sounds dumb, but trust me. just talk to her and ask her what she honestly thinks bout them.

  7. life's a beach.

  8. She was wrong But, I Don't think that you can Choose her friends for her. As I said, She was wrong, But Sometimes you have to accept when your Friends make friends. It doesn't mean that she won't be your friend anymore. She probably Will be Still your Friend If you Let Her.

    P.S I am only 12

  9. Call her up, tell her how you feel and ask why.  Maybe there is a good reason.

  10. because she is one of them.  it's an awful feeling when a friend does something like that to you.  you still want to be friends? then you have to approach her and ask her why she would do that.  if not, move on.  sorry to hear what happened.

  11. Wow, that is something else. Did she ever tell you why they where bad people? Maybe you should talk to her and confront her. Honestly I would say she is the bad person and erase her from my life for ever.

  12. dont get mad at her i know you're better than that you can find better friends then them

  13. well its not impossible to be friends with more than one person obviously, but still it doesnt mean your friend is back stabbing you.

  14. in that situation, i would be so angry with that " friend" that would never talk to her again. When it comes to relationship, honesty is very important . i think she has never been your friend.

  15. Thats kind of backwards if she told you not to hang out with them because they're bad people..and then she hangs out with them.  I wouldn't worry about that kind of drama, because its just going to stress you out. Don't hold grudges, but DO something that you like to do and move on with your life. You shouldn't have to beg people to be your friends..or investigate on if they're backstabbing you. None of your friends pay your bills, do your homework, wash your clothes..or anything for you! So what do you owe them?? Don't even give them the time of day. Life will get better!

  16. Because she's probably no older than fifteen and is an immature idiot.

  17. I would be hurt.

  18. it has happened to me many times, i have wisened up

  19. I think you should try and forget about them as much as you can. The other girl was probley using you for a weekend

  20. because people are b******s like that. that's going to happen alot in high school. just learn to deal with it and get new peeps cuz the old ones are from last easter :]

  21. what a bi***

  22. Because she is not a true friend and she was lying to you. You should find some new friends. Thats what I did when I was going into 7th grade. I left most of my old friends behind because of how rude they were to me and how they backstabed me and I went to a new school. I am not telling you to go to a new school but, I met so many new people and made so many new friends that we always tell eachother everything and my new friends are just great friends. Just find a group of people that make you feel comfortable and hang out with them. Don't beat yourself up over the fact that that girl hurt you and betrayed you. She just lost probably a good friend. Move on to new friends. Also, enjoy life.

  23. Well anyone would be hurrt if a friend went and did something they told another persopon not to do. Well, I guess that if she is saying they are bad people then she must be like them to always hang out with them. Dont let others get you down. Hold your head high and move forward.

  24. I can't say why she would do this, without knowing all of the situation. But, if SHE is hangin' with folks even SHE thought were bad, then you need NONE of them in your life, including her!

    Good luck!


  25. That would definitly bother me.  I would say to drop her, she is not a real friend and you can not trust her.

  26. Probably because she didn't want to lose them as friends.  I had a whole bunch of friends in high school, but I don't really talk to any of them anymore.  Between time and distance, we just seemed to drift apart.  I also probably wouldn't be friends with some of them now because of how much they changed, but you can always make new friends.  You want friends that you can trust and count on.

  27. Im not sure why she is doing that but you should confront her, not horribly but just talk to her. see what she says and maybe if you think it will help, talk to your old friends?#

    but i dont know why you dont talk to your old friends, im sure you have your reasons so i wouldn't like to say what you should do.

  28. it sounds like all of these people, including that other friend, are bad people and not worth your time. dont waste more time trying to figure them out.

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