
Would you be hurt or angry if you found out your husband was looking at p**n?

by  |  earlier

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  1. h**l yes I'd be hurt and angry! Why would he go to those extremes wanting satisfaction, instead of coming directly to me and telling me his wants and needs!

  2. No cause im not against p**n.

    My husband has gone to a few p**n sites online a couple of times in the past but it didn't bother me cause i have too myself a few times in the past BUT i haven't and neither has he for a long time.

    He is a HUGH sports fan and 99% of the time he is at sports websites.

  3. Nope, I find tapes in the vcr at least once a week or maybe every other week. I don't keep track. I don't mind him watching p**n, i'm not always in the mood and i'm not gonna say no, you can't do that and deny him. He might go make himself happy with some other women or something. Ok maybe he wouldn't, but I don't see anything wrong with it as long as they don't watch it 24/7. Hes gone to strip clubs with his friends. Doesn't do that  but maybe once a year when his friends are in town. We trust each other and we aren't controlling. Works out great.  

  4. Kster- youre drunk & obsessed w/sinks. Anywayyy yes i would be. Its a violation of trust.  

  5. No I do not have a problem with my husband, watching it because it only enhances when we are in the bedroom and he only watches it on Fridays' so I know it is just entertainment in that department we are fine the other 6 days lol and he always call me to the bedroom when he is watching it, and he knows I don't need to watch it, if you know what I mean, it fun sometimes lol

  6. I'd fix his sink.

  7. yes,if he watch it frequently and he didn't do it with me i'll definitely get mad and furious  

  8. he's looking at p**n without me???? yeah, why the h**l didn't he invite me too look????

    Seriously, neither my husband or I really enjoy looking at p**n, we'd rather be pleasing each other physically... Three times a day please!!!!!!!!! I'd be upset if he was hiding it from me...that would worry me.

  9. If he was hiding in trying to lie about it...yes...but if he just watched it..and when asked didn't lie then no. There is nothing wrong with p**n as long as it isn't used as a substitute for you....

  10. Yes i would be pi$$ed. he better share dam it. Looking at it with out me, cheese. well i lie we both look at and watch p**n together and apart....  We watch together and it is fun! p**n is a "safe" way to look at others and act out fantasy. now if there was a hooker in my bed, the sheet would hit  the fan in more ways then one.

  11. No. I wouldn't be angry at all. People look at p**n. If he was hiding it from me, especially if we are married, then I would be angry. If your mate is hiding it, then he is either ashamed or he has a closet fantasy that he wants you to know nothing about. A marriage should be about honesty, openness *within the marriage*, and communication. If my husband likes p** be it. I would ask him what he likes about it and how we can incorporate things done in it in our own relationship. Its a great way to stop him from looking at p**n and start looking at you. He may even get more excited about you intimate times. I hope this helps...PS...p**n can be helpful if you let it!

  12. nope !

    I watch it .

  13. well we have a few p**n videos, but we watch them together. i caught him watching it without me and i got angry and upset. for some reason it doesn't bother me when we are watching them TOGETHER but when he goes off and watches it by himself, it's totally diff. I guess i feel that if he's getting turned on when we are watching it, it's because he's thinking of being with me, but when he's watching it alone, it makes me think that those women are turning him on and that he's fantasizing about them and not me

    i think it was cause he was hiding the fact that he was watching it alone that upset me more?!?

  14. There are some other things you should be asking..

    Is he fixated on p**n, so much that he is looking constantly more than a couple of times a day ? Is he looking at p**n of things that questionable (legally or morally)  or just looking ?

    I can say as a guy I occasionally look as it is so different to SEE than to be in.  Another reason is that my libido is probably 20 times my wife, sometimes I get tired of "handling" it to my thoughts, I want to hear it mostly, but seeing it usually makes me think of my wife.  I am not watching to forget about my wife or to think about someone else.  Just to see it from a different point of view and not make my wife feel like she is an object and all I want from her is s*x or make her feel bad that her libido isn't as strong as mine these days.  For me, that doesn't mean I don't love her, or want her any less.  But that is all ME, find out what your mans reasons are.

    Have some open conversation with your man, and honestly listen to what he says.  Don't make him feel bad sick and wrong or that he is cheating or loves you less before or during this conversation, just ask and listen, then tell him your concerns and come to some common ground on the subject.

  15. Heck no i wouldn't! You can learn a lot of new tricks from p**n movies. When my husband brings a p**n movie home i sit back and watch it with him. Being uptight about lil things like p**n is what makes a marriage get boring.  

  16. Whats wrong with p**n seriously? Since when did women become such prudes? When me and my man watch p**n we have great s*x. Its great anyway but why not try new things. I would much rather him watch p**n than be at strip clubs.  

  17. No, we used to look at it together.

    If he still takes a look from time to time, I don't know about that, but I would not be hurt or angry.

    He has the real thing in his bed every night.

  18. no, he probably looked at it years before i met him why should he stop now, the only way i would ever be mad is if i had tried to have s*x with him and he turned me down, then went on to watch p**n and 'do it himself'

  19. early in our marriage i was, but then i figured out i liked looking at p**n. and it's only p**n.

    now i figured out what he likes to look at and he knows what i like looking at, so now we look at p**n together.

  20. No its a whole lot better than him being in a strip club and touching.

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