
Would you be in favor of news organizations having to provide a "contact the author" tab ? ?

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I get so frustrated when I read articles that, while not untrue,are written in a way to try to persuade me to a particular bias by not telling the whole truth.

I would like to be able to hit the reply button or contact the author tab and tell them why I disagree with the premise of a particular article..

Half truths are NOT entirely true.

Please vote yes or no and give me your reason why.

Thank You!




  1. Sorry I can't say either because I know that it will never happen. There was a time when a journalist would research a story and report the facts in an objective manner. That is no longer the case. I think that a person could read almost any newspaper or watch any news broadcast and figure out which are biased as it has become so blatant. If you need proof of the dumbing down of America just watch as people begin to repeat the talking points they hear in the media. I don't remember this being such a problem 30 years ago. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but it is like a plague today.

    I was astonished when Obama's campaign manager actually said in an interview on CNN,America is experiencing record unemployment and went completely unchallenged. It is my understanding that unemployment of 5% or less is considered by enonomists as full employment. We are only barely above that and he calls it record unemployment. Amazing. You don't actually think that people that make these types of outrageous remarks will allow people to question them at will do you?

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