
Would you be in support of overthrowing Roe vs. Wade.....

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And leaving it up to the state law instead of the federal government?




  1. No.  

  2. I think your question is very interesting. I am a Christian and my Daddy w as a Scientist and we both believed in Stem Cell Surgery for all kinds of things. I think this endless debate over abortion and Stem Cell Surgery is Medieval! I have several blind friends who would go for a Stem Cell Surgery if there was one available! I am really shocked at uneducated people who are against the use of a fetus for a Stem Cell Surgery!  

  3. You mean overruling Roe vs. Wade.

    Yes, because the current ruling is not accordance with the Constitution.  No where in the Constitution does it guarantee the right to an Abortion.  The Constitution specifically states that anything not addressed by the Constitution should be left up to the states.

    Personal opinoins about the morality of abortions should not come into play.  This is a constituional issue that should be decided based only on the constituion.   The seperate states can consider the morality of it when making their laws.

  4. No...really it is not for anyone to decide but the pregnant woman and her and her alone. No governments state federal local or anyone else! It is a personal decision should never be allowed to made by anyone but the that one person!

  5. Yes. This is just another example of the Supreme Court overstepping its bounds and ruling on something that is not defined anywhere in the constitution, according to which, this issue should be left up to the states.

    To the people that say this is a private issue only: So are discisions to smoke, to drink, to drive without a seatbelt, to eat fast food, etc. Yet these are all things that state governments legislate, and that is where they should be left.

  6. Yes, only if the education system would get their act together.  There are too many lives being thrown away by pompous parents and educators.  

  7. IF you allow the state to rule people CAN'T have abortions, you totally open the door to the state deciding some day there are too many people, so pregnant people HAVE TO have abortions.  Look at the laws in China.  Think it can't happen in the US?  Well, think again, because it was once legal to own slaves.

  8. The issue should have been left up to the state, the Constitution is silent on the matter and unless the Constitution states that the federal government has the power over it, that power is left to the state.  

  9. Yes, I would.

    Regardless of your opinion on abortion, you have to admit that the decision has no basis in the constitution.  It is a classic example of judicial activism, when judges "find" clauses in the constitution that suit their purposes rather than reading the constitution as it is written.  Penumbra of rights?  WTF is that?  The Supreme Court almost said point blank that the right to abortion isn't in the constitution but they're doing it anyway.

  10. No.

  11. No, as much as I do not like abortion I believe it to be a slippery slope when we start to legislate medical procedures.

  12. I don't think the state or federal government should be involved in this.

    They need to leave people alone and let them make their own decisions.

  13. No. But I have always questioned the Ethics and true motivation of Planned Parenthood.

    It has always Bothered me that a stranger is empowered to lay my daughter down on a table and Murder my Potential Grandchild and I would never know it.

  14. Absolutely. I myself would rather have a ban of abortion nationwide, but I would be more than happy with states being allowed to choose whether or not to allow abortions.  States should have the right to determine something like that.

  15. NO

  16. No, I am not in support of ever overthrowing anything.

    The case went to the Supreme court for a reason, which was to determine if this was a matter relating to Constitutional rights (health care decisions).  In fact, the Supreme court will not hear cases that are state based.. it has to be something that there is Federal authority involved.

    Right now, if you compare the different states and custody laws, you will find a mess. What it leads to, is people "running" from one state to the other, in hopes of a law in their favor.

    I won't get sucked into disputes about right/wrong on abortion.  The question concerns if the Supreme court has rights over certain issues, and by law, yes.. they do.  

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