
Would you be in support of overthrowing Roe vs. Wade.....?

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And leaving it up to state law instead of the federal government?

Liberal states keep it legal

Conservatives make it illegal (except when the pregnancy endangers the mother)

Its a win/win situation.




  1. No, it shouldn't vary from state to state in that manner.  Out of state people trying to get an abortion will become a problem for the people who live in that state.  People want to take away the choice, there is no win/win with this issue.  

  2. Yes I would.  If you look at the scientific definition of life and apply it to a zygote then you'll see the zygote at day one is a unique human life.  If you then add this with the law against murder then aborting a fetus is illegal because murder is defined as the willful ending or destruction of human life.

  3. Absolutely not. It's the poor that suffer always and who the politicians don't care about. The poor can't afford bus tickets or a trip out of state, and because some evangelical probably rich state legislater decides their life with no clue of what it's like, that poor woman who might like to have a choice in the matter, doesn't.

  4. Return it to the states and women will just have to travel a little farther.  Those who can not afford to travel will return to the back alleys and/or the coat hangers.

  5. That will be great. All the OB/GYNs will move out of states that deny it. Then most of the woman will leave. Then you can have your own little Brokeback Mountain community.  

  6. And what does that accomplish other than keeping Greyhound busy?

  7. But then the liberals won't be able to use federal money to support the mass murder.   I would love to see it overturned.  But in the big picture it is a non-issue driven into the ground by whacko liberals.

  8. Women would just drive to the states where it's legal in that case.

    The crime rate would go up dramatically if abortion were illegal. Do you really want millions of women raising kids they don't want and then have those kids grow up angry and bitter?

  9. I would be in favor, but I would vote that it be illegal in all cases that don't actually kill the mother.

  10. Modify maybe, overthrow No

  11. It's a no-win situation.

    Anti-abortion zealots do not want to leave it up to the states-- they want it illegal everywhere.  They will not tolerate it being legal in some states and illegal in others, while women from states where it's illegal can just drive to another state.  I guarantee you they will deny pregnant women (or maybe all women) the right to leave the state!  Wait and see!

  12. Absolutely not.  The decision as to what endangers the mother is a subjective one.

  13. Absolutely!! That's as it should be.

  14. only in rape and incest and harm to mothers life situations do I support the act of abortion, If it is someone running around being irresponsible there are contraceptives, the morning after pill ,and adoption.

  15. No  I am  Pro Choice + Pro life . If the Government does not up hold the Law,  Local Dictators will send Women back to the Alleys and  Shacks for Butchers,  Who's life is more important, I don't want to Judge that as Obama said that's above my pay grade. God is the

    Judge ,  I am a Christian I read the Book. We should Respect all life. Not just the unborn.

  16. Just Wade, not Roe...keep Roe.

  17. No make it illegal for abortion unless its a rape.

    If they dont want a kid then keep it in there d**n pants.  Myself and the rest of the tax payers dont want to pay for some kid because the mother is a moron and the father was a horny sob.

  18. NO I WOULDN'T !

    Who is Sara ,Palin She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1

    Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

    She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3

    Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4

    She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5

    She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears a

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  19. Conservatives always claim they are for small government, except that they want to have power and control over a Woman's Body.

  20. You have to think about how people are actually going to react- Someone who needs an abortion (or wants one, however you view it) isn't going to change their mind because they happen to live in a conservative state.  They will either travel to states where it is legal, thus putting unneeded pressure on their health care systems, or worse, have it done in an illegal and possibly dangerous manner.  The only way is to give everyone the option of abortion (within reason- this does not include third-term abortion, which is a very different issue), and work on creating a sexual education system that will help to lessen the problem to begin with.  

  21. I might overthrow Wade, but never Roe.

  22. If that is what it will take to keep the s***s of today from using abortion as a method of birth control, I guess we'll just have to deal with it.   Apparently all the education on using controls before they spread their legs just doesn't seem to be working.  

  23. Yes, even Ruth Bader Ginsburg says Roe is on very thin ice.

  24. overthrow Roe in all states.  wasnt the constitution written with the intent of helping the health and welfare of all citizens.  that should include anybody with human life, born or unborn.  their aren't reasons for leaving it illegal.  stemcell research can be done just as effectively with cord blood.  as for saying there would then be back alley abortions,it would discourage many people to get abortions just because it would be unsafe, thus saving more human life than if it was illegal.  why should anyone have a right to kill someone else (last time i checked, that was considered murder).

  25. ~~h**l no its not a win/win.~~

    ~~~MY BODY! MY RIGHT!~~~


    EDIT: Who are you to tell me what to do with my body? I have free will do with my life as I see fit. I don't want to tell anyone one else what to do with their body and I deserve the same respect!

  26. No.  I would not be in favor of overturning Roe v Wade.

  27. well i totally agree with that. Abortion should be a last option not as a use for birth control and never paid for by insurance or medicade if a woman chooses or is pregnant and wants an abortion she and the daddy of that child should pay for it. no government support what so ever or at the state level. i think the only reason for a woman to have one is if she is raped-incest, or in favor of her health.  

  28. NO!!!!!

  29. I have no problem with pro-abortion legislation.  If the people either at a state level or a national level want to legalize it or outlaw it, that's fine.  Roe v. Wade was just another example of legislation from the bench and should be overturned.  Then abortion should be debated in Congress and laws passed the right way.

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