
Would you be interested in a television show called the Skeptologists?

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There is a new show being developed by Brian Dunning from It follows the model employed by TAPS, Myth Busters, UFO hunters, etc. where a group of people investigate or explore ideas and phenomena. In this case, it would be done from a skeptical perspective.

More on the show and its cast:

Here's a link to a page that has the trailer:




  1. Hi Peter. Yeah I would watch the show if I could get the channel. I would like to see them follow the so called "Professional"  Paranormal Investigators  who claim to be scientist like around and see exactly how many of them really are scientists and professionals.

    Some ghost groups claim to be "skeptics" But they use mediums and such and in my experience these "Professionals" are real quick to believe even though thy claim they don't.

    I think it would be interesting for them to go behind these people and see what real skeptics can say about these investigations.

    Just my opinion


  2. I have been a Paranormal Examiner since 1980, and I and my Teams approach each Report and Examination with the attitude of de-bunking the report.....i.e. Explaining it away.

    I have been able to Explain about 80% of the Reported Activity over these years....but 20% i cannot explain away.

    I have been referred to as a Huge Skeptic...because I'm out to Disprove the Activity from the Start.

    We are Paranormal Examiners, not "ghost hunters" as such.  We do Not go in looking for a "ghost"...we Do go in looking for the Truth, and Only the Truth.

  3. No...

  4. sure, it would be some kind of refreshing to understand certain kind of things especially of the unknown kind, as well as expose people who are profiting from their scams to unsuspecting and gullible people.

  5. I wouldn't mind seeing a show where REAL scientists..or the equivalent..find REAL answers to what is REALLY happening. I WOULDN'T watch a show where skeptics only say "There is no evidence." over  and over and over...or say something isn't true because it's never happened to THEM..or that it's not true because there is no "proof".  I would like to see other REASONABLE explanations that stand up on their own.

  6. I would love to watch! But only if it sends chills up my back. What channel is it on though?

  7. What?!?

    Randy the Great over inflated ego-t******e self-claimed know it all Magician wasn't invited as a panelist?

    Maybe they'll put an end to all the bullsh*t that surrounds the Ouija board.

  8. I would watch the show. I think it would be interesting.

  9. I think it would provide a nice balance to the  programing that is already out there.  A healthy dose of skepticism is well...healthy.  Some of the skeptics make me so mad though when they refuse to listen to the evidence because of a preconcieved opinion.  I guess this is how skeptics feel when they watch Ghost Hunters and there is little debunking being done.  It bothers me that some skeptics have to try and explain everything rather than saying "I don't know what this is".  My interest in the paranormal would make me want to watch it because I want answers one way or the other.

    P.S. "Is it Real" reviews poorly because the narrator comes across so smug.

  10. I'd definitely watch it.Phil Plait has done some good radio and TV already.His site   is one of my favorites.

       It will have to be well done.Historically Ghost Hunter type sites do much better.If There's a choice between a pro UFO show about Alien Abduction and a skeptical show.We both know which one will get the ratings.How many people even know about the National Geographic"Is it real"program.

        People are always asking for different answers beyond"there's no evidence or no proof".Then when they're pointed to the answers.They ignore or dismiss them.

         Skeptologists has a tough road ahead.I'll be there,I'll bet The Amazing Randi will too.

  11. Yeah, I'd love it. Unfortunately, I think the show could be a flop since it wouldn't deliver on the sensationalism that sells other paranormal shows like Paranormal State, Most Haunted, etc. I'll hope for the best.

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