
Would you be jealous if you ex husband married someone much younger and prettier than you?

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My ex husband is 38 and his wife is only 22. I am 41. She is very pretty and all my ex's friends and extended family say she is a wonderful person and they all love her. Would that make you jealous? I can't help having these feelings every time I see her.




  1. Jealousy implies that you care about the esteem of your ex husband.  If you didn't care about him, it seems like your attitude would be one of indifference, not jealousy.  I don't see what the physical appearance of his new wife has to do with you in any way.

  2. Ever heard that song "Cheating Side of Town" by the Eagles? She will soon be there.  That is why I don't want a woman that much younger.

    City girls just seem to find out early how to open doors with just a smile.

    A rich old man and she won't have to worry. She'll dress up all in lace and go in style.

    Late at night a big old house gets lonely, I guess every form of refuge has its price.

    And it breaks her heart to think her love is only given to a man with hands as cold as ice.

    So she tells him she must go out for the evening to comfort an old friend who's feeling down.

    But he knows where she's going as she's leaving, she’s headed for the cheating side of town.

    You can't hide your lying eyes and your smile is a thin disguise.

    I thought by now you'd realize, there ain't no way to hide your lying eyes.

  3. I am sorry that you are jealous, but just remember this, there was a reason why he is your ex, now his new, beautiful, bride has to deal with everything you had to deal with when he was your hubby.

    Think about that!!!

    You are soooo lucky that he is not in your life and you are not in his!!!!!!

  4. when I end a is totally over and I could care less about the next victim

  5. yea i guess i would be..

  6. No way.. I think I would pitty here. She gets the ex husband!! Poor girl!

  7. Grow up and move on   Apparently he has,,,

  8. yeah, you are human.  I mean my ex is s******g around w/some chic 2 yrs younger with bigger b***s, and I felt...not jealous but insecure. hurts.  I am learning it hurts b/c of lack of love for me.  Do things that make you feel good about you.  I for one enjoy getting my nails done..and dressing up... do things that make you shine and stand out above the rest in your own unique way.  God made us all to be different, and admire/love one another.  So, just focus more energy on you, and the negative feeling of her or whoever will slowly fade into joy.

  9. Yes, it's hard. But try and keep in already had him.  He'll end up going over the hill before her and she's the one who will be in need  and not getting it.  Then you can smile.

    Just go get you a younger man.  You'll feel better!

  10. I would feel jealous.

    God knows all things and why He makes the laws He made.  This is why he doesn't want us remarrying while our spouse is still alive.  

    Who wouldn't feel jealous?  Plus, you still love him?  I'm so sorry you are going through this.

    My husband left me for someone younger and prettier to... and I'm only 30.  

    Take it one day at a time.  Maybe it will help to stop asking about her.  Your husband is being unfaithful no matter if you are divorced he is still your husband if you were each other's first spouse.

  11. I'd wonder why he picked a little child-- was his ego so destroyed that he needed someone young enough to be his daughter?

    He married an 18 year old?

  12. Of course it is normal i would be jealous too sister..sorry

  13. Yeah...I would be. Not gonna lie.  

  14. I think most anyone would feel jealous, expecially if you are the one he wanted to divorce. Look deep within yourself and be happy for him. You say he is a good man then she was wise enough to see this in him. Be happy for him and eventually you will feel better.  

  15. Why?

    You should be looking at her and thinking "Oh, you poor, poor b*****d. You have no idea what you're in for".

    Hey...I'm 51. How do you feel about balding 51 year old men that can cook gourmet and knows their wines?

  16. He is a very sick man...22yrs old. No I would not be I would feel sorry for him and if you have young daughters have supervised visitation.

  17. No, I would feel very sorry for her as he has serious, serious problems that he refuses to address.....and I know the marriage would not last unless she became an enabler for his self-destructive behavior.

  18. Ouch!  Yes I would be sad.  Try not to think about it,  maybe she is really stupid, or has some weird issue or something.  Make something up in your head.  Everyone is pretty at 22, she will age:)

  19. It wouldn't matter to me if she was 58. I'd still be jealous!

  20. Thats why you don't marry someone so close to your age.  Always be  the younger woman.

    My husband is 9 years older than me.

    And whats with these bitter women, just because he is YOUR EX doesn't mean he can't find someone who is MORE compatible to him than YOU WERE...geez....some women are so PRIDEFUL!  EVERY WIFE here knows she would be JEALOUS!  LIARS!

  21. Nope.  My ex is an idiot when it comes to women and marriage and I'm wise enough through experience to know this.  I would feel sorry for her, knowing that she would eventually have to learn this the hard way.

  22. He married this CHILD when she was 18??

    Um...he is NOT that wonderful...

    Move on and find a man who will cherish you.

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