
Would you be less inclined to send your child to a preschool physically located within a church building?

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I am looking to start a new preschool/daycare center and would like to take poll of opinions on this. The preschool will be religiously-affiliated, but our student base will largely be from the public community. We are looking for a location that will provide the best learning environment, but also one that parents (who are not necessarily religious themselves) would be receptive to. I know many families send their children to a church preschool for a quality education, even if they do not attend church. However, I would like to know if you think having a classroom connected to the church would deter potential parents, as opposed to a more typical public facility. Would the average parent would be less likely to enroll their child?




  1. Actually, my child attends a private preschool- preschool in our area. The school's building is shared with another preschool/elementary school, so the school's space within the same building is limited. They've been looking to find, or find & build another school- separate of the other school, but so far, no such luck yet. Since the space at this school is limited, my child & other's go next door to a local church, that allows the school to use rooms/space in the basement area of the church. I've not heard anyone single complaint/problem with us using/being within the church to use their facilities for our school's purpose. Not even any teacher/parent with any problems/issues of using the church's location either. So I really feel that your situation will not/is not an issue at all!!! Good luck with your endevor!!

  2. Nope. There a several preschools connected to churche all over the place. It is up to the parents to agree to what goes on at those preschools.

  3. I think if your preschool will be religiously affiliated, then any parent who agrees (or at least doesn't disagree) with the affiliation will have no issues with a church setting.  I am not religious myself but actually personally feel that a church setting has an extra sense of security and warmth associated with the level of faith of those who use the space.  I think the church location might even help you.

  4. It wouldn't affect my decision.  When my children were small, I sent them to a preschool in a church - it wasn't necessarily religious affiliated but it wasn't non-secular either.  I have since taken over that preschool and we are no longer in a church but have our own building but it was certainly a great beginning of the program itself.

  5. I have worked for many Preschools and daycares and I can tell you the ones located in the church mostly had children and parents that did not attend an church. They came because they tend to associate church with goodness and that there will be better and more qualified Teachers which in most cases is true. we would only hire the best in all the Christian ones I worked in.

  6. I went to preschool that was in a church,I would have no problem sending my kids to a preschool that was in a churc.

  7. I feel that sendind your child to a private school keeps them in a more positive environment. My little cousins went to a private daycare/preschool and i feel like they learned more than just going somewhere being watched by a babysitter. My little cousins became very smart and were accepted to the top elemantary school in the city

  8. My centre is located in the basement of a church. It is non-denominational, although potential parents do ask about religious affiliations. We find it is a huge positive to rent space in a church because they are well maintained, safe, everyone knows where we are located. We have also been lucky enough to have the church assume a lot of our costs in renovations etc. An incredible bonus when daycare continues to be an area of limited income due to raising costs associated with insurance etc. None of our children are members of the church we rent space from. Not for any particular reason, but it has just worked out that way.

    As a parent, I would ask about religious affiliations as I do not want my child attending a daycare with any religious component, however if it was merely located in the church and not of a religious nature, I would have no problem at all.

  9. I actually am the preschool 4's teacher at a church child care center.  We have only about 10% of families that are members of the church and the rest are nonmembers and do not attend worship.  We do not push the religion on to the families.  We do teach the children about Jesus, but we do not make families attend the church, and we do not judge them when they don't.  We did have a  family that got upset with all the "Jesus time", because it conflicted with their religion.  For the most part, I think people like a facility that has a religious base.  It might help them with what they are trying to teach their children.  I also think that you are right, people are looking for a quality program.  Just be careful that the place does not make people feel guilty when they do not attend, or be too pushy with it.  I would personally prefer this for my child, not just because of the religious base, but because the workers usually also have the religious base.

  10. If there is a dearth of good preschools in your area, then the fact that your's would be located in church would probably not be a deterrent.

  11. I don't think it is a problem as to where the preschool is located but how the parents and child are treated if they are not religious. I would not want to work at nor send my child to a facility where they taught a specific doctrine.

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