
Would you be mad at your best friend if they moved?

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i heared that my best friend was mad that i moved to a different city, i knew she was and my other best friends too but i had no where else to go no money so i had to move in with my parents to pay off bills and find a better job. my friend knows that but my guy friend told me over the phone that my best friend lara was mad that i moved. if i was her i would understand and be disappointed but not mad...

would you be mad if your friend left??

btw i am going to vist them i just 2 hours away.




  1. Yeah that just happend to me recently. Just keep in touch daily phone-im-etc and try to visit them every weekend or every other weekend. thats what i do and me and her are still best freinds. sorry if this dident help

  2. nope. i wudn't be mad. but maybe just give your friend time by making phone calls etc and she would be ok, i am sure. yes, she should be supportive.

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