
Would you be mad if????????????

by  |  earlier

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Would you be madif you and your friend were texting and talking about goin to the mall and alll of a sudden they stop texting you, then the next day you hear your same friend another one of your friends are goin to the mall and they didnt invite you and even after you told them how you felt they still didnt invite you... would you be mad if that happen to you???




  1. yes, you have every right to be mad

  2. yeah. because isnt it like they promised they would go with you if you were talking about it the day before? and then all of the sudden they cut you out of the picture.  

  3. wouldn't be mad but

    thats more than a HINT!.....      

  4. If I were still a teen then ya of course I would be mad.... She doesn't seem like a good friend. If shes keeps it yup do the same too her.. u don't need her u can do much better then her trust me =))

  5. Iwould be mad..  

  6. YES

  7. most definitely

  8. I would be mad if I were young, now that I'm 30 I could care less!

  9. upset not like FURIOUS but it wouldn't be that bug of a deal.

  10. yeah id be mad but i guess eventally id hav 2 get over myself. cause some times i dont always feel like hangin arroung the same frind. like some friends i hate to go 2 the mall with cause they only complain but if im goin 2 the pool there my nimber 1 choice.

  11. yes, i would try to make new friends so i can rely on them.

  12. I save getting ANGRY (people do not get mad, only animals do that) for the really important things in life.  

    If I knew people who treated me like these people have treated you, I would NOT consider them friends.  

  13. i'd be mad but i wouldn't let it get to me that much! just do the same thing but invite them so that you can show them how real friends act

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