and and your mother in law visited you and you told her what you were thinking about and she just cared about taking care of the baby for you and you came close to taking your life at one point. finally my husband said your going to the hospital, 5 MONTHS down the road after telling him you were talking to somone last night. A month and a half on antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs and I am all back to normal. But my first 5 months with my son were a living NIGHTMARE. She never was compassionate, she acted like it was my fault and i told her the most because she was over so much, and she did nothing but want to take care of the baby!!!!!!!!! Would your feelings not be hurt? Am I wrong in being like what the heck family, it got dangerous looking back!?!? Is it not your familys responsibility to suggest help when somone is massivley deopressed and psychotic!?!?