
Would you be mad if your spouse ordered a maid/butler from a NUDE maid service because "it was only $25 more"?

by Guest62792  |  earlier

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Would you be mad if your spouse ordered a maid/butler from a NUDE maid service because "it was only $25 more"?




  1. duh. that's ridiculous.  

  2. Sounds like a bargain to me!! where was this again??

  3. I can't help but think about that Seinfeld episode when he dated the nudist, then discovered that there are some things best NOT done in the nude .... imagine cleaning would probably be one of them.

    So, guess my answer would be no.  And just like Bumblebee said, as long as they are cleaning my house, who cares if they have clothes on or not? LOL!

  4. If someone wants to clean my house for me I don't care if they have clothes on or not.

  5. ain't no body fix in to walk around my house naked but me

  6. um, yeah, that would be weird. for one thing it would be so unlike him to do something like that, I would worry he had suffered some sort of trauma to the head.  for another thing, he is too cheap to pay $25 more for that.

    ; D  *what I was thinking of, is that he would like me to do that, lol!

  7. they are not allowed to s***w around with them so what is the big deal.

  8. Let me know where I can get one of those nude maids.

  9. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, so I'll want my maid

    When the bombs fly

    Grab a cold beer

  10. Seems pretty reasonable to me, whats the big deal.

  11. h**l yeah. better make sure that who rings the door bell to check to see if it was someone_u ordered cleaning service

  12. yeah i would be very upset  

  13. You know what... I wouldn't be mad BECAUSE they were nude. I just wouldn't want a naked stranger walking around my house touching and molesting all of my possesions with their genitals exposed.

  14. He'd have to explain why the maid service in the first place because I keep a very clean and orderly ordering maid service would dig him a big, deep hole and having a nude maid would get him buried in

    or I would suggest he pay ME and I would prance around in the altogether doing the dusting, etc.........if he wants to live lol.But then he has to as well.

  15. I wouldn't really be MAD, but if they want a nude maid/butler, I would ask them why they would want them to be nude... If they really want them nude, you should just try cleaning nude and see what they say about that ;)

  16. It would depend on our relationship. I've dated a few girls where that would be harmless and funny and a few others that that would make me put  Cheaters on my speed dial.  

  17. yes h**l yes....unless i was there MAYBE but naw i think i would be pissed.  

  18. And they clean the house!!!! For 25 $...the naked part is not the issue it is weather or not the house will be clean!!!

  19. lol Yes.

  20. No, I would never marry the type.

  21. YES! That is crazy and very disrespectful.  If he/she needed more nudity in the house they should walk around naked or just say something to their partner.  

  22. Thats just funny.  Id let it go cuz Id be happy not cleaning for the day.

  23. Yes.  

  24. Only if he did HER, or if he stole stuff.

  25. Think about it for a minute......If their wearing less clothing they won't get so hot and they will work faster.

  26. there's no reason for any married person to do something like that, under any circumstances.

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