
Would you be more inclined to vote if...?

by  |  earlier

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1) Election Day was moved to a Saturday or Sunday

2) Election Day was expanded to Fri-Sun

3) Term limits were in place for Congress




  1. 4) We outlawed the democrats and republicans

  2. i vote no matter what

  3. 3

  4. So there should be an amendment to the Constitution for the convience of the American people?

    Polls stay open past most working hours, so why can't people get to the polls?  Once I worked from 7:30am to 8:00pm, drove 15 miles home and still had time to vote in the 2000 election.  

    Get your priorities straight!

  5. I like your question, especially if your point is to try and get more Americans involved in voting and in doing their civic duties.  Numbers one and two in your question are aimed at making it easier to vote and many states are doing that now with early voting, easy access to absentee ballots, expanded polling hours and I do think these things help but only with those who are inclined to vote anyway.  Number three is interesting in that it addresses people's feelings about congress and politics and is a much debated issue.  It begins to address what I think is the real reason why most people don't vote which is disinfranchisment.  People simply don't feel their vote matters and therefore are not motivated to register and show up on election day.  This feeling (which I believe is misguided) is understandable due to poor training in civic and history classes in HS and to the poor job our media, especially TV, does at informing people.  I think real campaign finance reform would do more to get people to vote than any other single issue.  However, vested interests do not give up power easily and real campaing finance reform would reduce the power of many lobbies and vested interests and might give power to the people.  So this will be a difficult struggle -getting more people to participate in government and voting.

  6. Number three would cause me to vote more.

  7. Make Veterans day and Election day the same day..  

    Election Day in the United States is the day set by law for the selection of public officials by popular ballot. Federal (or National) Elections always occur on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November of every even numbered year (the Tuesday between November 2 and November 8, inclusively).

    Veterans Day is Nov 11th..

  8. 4) Election Day were declared a national holiday

  9. No 1.  I would also like to see a national Election Day or employers give workers limited time off to vote.

    We could always use another holiday off.

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