
Would you be more scared to wake up & see a ghost or a real person standing beside your bed?

by Guest66656  |  earlier

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I think I'd prefer a ghost. (That's not an invitation to anyone...real or ghost.)




  1. I wouldn't be afraid of ghosts, even if they do exist. It's not the dead that we need to wary of, but the living. If someone broke into my house, you'd see me fly into action. If I woke up and saw something in my bedroom I thought was a real person who shouldn't be there, I'd react the same way. If I woke up and saw a misty image that I knew wasn't real, I'd just sit there and rub my eyes.

  2. Depending on who it is or how well I can see.  I have woken up to spirits standing beside the bed.  Usually I just tell them what they can go do to themselves, and roll over to go back to sleep.  I don't see any reason to fear them since they can't actually physically hurt you.

    Now a real person scares the h**l, out of me.  You never know if it's that one chance out of a million that it's that psychotic wierdo that's either A) Looking for a kill

                                                       B) A rapeist, or

                                                       C) A home robbery about to go


    Edit:  However Peter P. made a very disturbing image appear in my mind.  I'm defiantely saying my prayers tonight!!!!

  3. I would prefer a ghost to a human intruder.   The later situation is potentially life-threatening.

  4. I'd prefer a person, because either one can hurt you, but if the person gets arrested, then there's not as great a chance that it will happen again, so you'll be able to sleep easy, and not contemplate waking up to see a ghost in front of you.


  5. nah real person...

  6. i assume you mean a real person who shouldnt be there. Ive woken up many times with my wife standing next to my bed and wasnt scared at all.

    I would be more scared of waking up with a stranger next to my bed. A ghost might startle me, but I would just shrug it off as a waking hallucination.

  7. Hmmm.....Well, even though I've seen ghosts, and I know they're just people without bodies, it's still a little frightening to actually "view" someone from beyond the grave. To me it's more because most "ghosts" are lost or angry souls, and you really never know what you're going to the prospect of dealing with a wicked or angry and violent spirit can be pretty nerve-racking. I'd say either or would probably be a little creepy- because just as some spirits are negative, lost, or angry, sometimes so are living...and you just NEVER know what you're going to get...*shudder**

  8. I've seen ghosts and felt a presence all my life, even been touched by two of them... they never scared me... my heart beat doesn't even speed up.... however, if it were I real person, I'd be so scare no noise would come out of my mouth!

  9. Real person, obviously.  Ghosts exist only in stories, so I'd know I was drugged or intoxicated or dreaming.  Which, come to think of it, might be more scary.



  11. Considering the potential for harm I would also choose the ghost.  Unless the real person were an attractive woman of course.

  12. Definitely a real person.  That'd be creepy.  Do you remember the BTK killer?  He used to sit in people's rooms and wait for them to wake up.  How sick!  That's why it's important to lock all your doors and windows.

  13. Ive seen ex-husband...alive,that was scary

    them my fathers ghost...that was scary ex-husband was much more frightening because he was so abusive,,,

  14. real person

  15. I would be more scared to wake up and see a real person that I didn't know (stranger) or that didn't belong there (ex-wife) standing beside my bed.

    I have never heard of a ghost robbing a bank, mugging or car jacking someone, or stealing the jewelry (or worse).


  16. real person cause you know they can hurt you

    ghosts cant

  17. More scared of a person.

    I don't believe in ghosts.

  18. Thats to hard of a choice...I would probably become a bed wetter eithier way!

  19. a person ghost i can handle

  20. person. I dont think the dead can do you any real harm, and the living are are far less predictable.

    if they get upset/confused by your close they must not have anything more important to worry about.

  21. hmmm, I guess it would depend entirely on who the person is or who the ghost is.

    For example, if I ever found George Bush in my room I would be afraid...very very afraid....

    On the other hand, Elvis is welcome anytime. :)

  22. Proberly a real person.

  23. A ghost of Dr. Phil...

  24. real person there are some creepy real people out there

  25. ghost

  26. I would be more afraid if a real person was standing beside my bed because they would be an intruder an a threat to my life.

  27. Real people are scarier, never heard or a rapist or serial killer ghost.

  28. person.. shudder

  29. ghost duh!!!!!!!

  30. depends on who that person is.not a dead one... right?

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