
Would you be offended if,?

by  |  earlier

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At Football Training a friend will not swap his new Football Shirt - though you might be changing roles from striker to gioalkeeper (for the purpose of a different Shirt is needed for goalkeeper). Does this seem wrong, if he/she did not mind swapping the Shirt with others, but not you?





  1. Of course I would feel offended, we are all human in the same way its not like your a dog or I am a dog so that person obviously compares you to others. Which is offending you., and would offend anynioe else in yuor situation. Ignore this person if I were you, if he asks why or gets agressive then calmly explain to him your reasons for your behaviour. Noone likes to be singled out!

  2. thats like making a big deal out of ur toast coming out burnt

  3. Yes - I would have to ask him why  

  4. No.

  5. yeah id be offended!

  6. it depends some people are neat freaks and beoing in someone elses shirt could make them feel squirmish.

    however personally if you are already sweating in the middle of a game what diferenve is it going to make anyway.. its just stupid not swapping your shirt becasue you dont want to

  7. id be offended :)

  8. yes id be a bit put out, think id ask him what the prob is

  9. sounds childish to me

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