
Would you be offended? (or at least irritated?)

by  |  earlier

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If you are in a store with your bike helmet, and someone asks, "Awe, is that your scooter I saw out there?!"

NO! I have a Yamaha V-star 1100!!! (blank stare...)

I am a girl, 5' 5" and Yes, I ride an 1100.... But a SCOOTER?!




  1. i would be like "yeah... it is for my scooter which will beat a corvette and which will go 170mph"....

  2. Motor, scooter, sled, bike, putt - putt and others  are all interchangeable with motorcycle and no offense is intended. I think this person was just cheerfully greeting you.

  3. Since the average non Rider has No idea what a V Star is, the proper response is "Sure is, Wanna go for a ride?"

  4. No this has happened to me for  years. It is kind of a old people thing, like every motorcycle is a Harly or a Ninja.

  5. haha!

  6. Nope.  I'm not one of those who looks for reasons to be angry.

  7. no,but kindly tell me,what planet are you from?

  8. Nope. I have always referred to my bike as my scoot. This must be a genarrational thing. Many people of my age group ( over fifty ) are more then happy to be able to jump on the scoot and go out for a putt. I think that too many people are so busy looking for things to be upset about, that they are forgetting to enjoy life.

  9. Me thinks you doth protest too much.

  10. 'I don't want a pickle, just ride my motorsickle........And I don't wanta cry, just want to ride on motorcy.'   Name the artist!  Guess that about sums it up now, don't it.

  11. I've rode Harleys for 32 years and we always refered to them as scooters.I don't think any harm was meant by it.

  12. just stay out of wal-mart from now on

  13. At one time everybody called a motorcycle a scooter, probably before your time. I have to catch myself once in awhile from calling a motorcycle a scooter.

  14. if you  can ride an 1100 v star, don't be offended, just ride!

    Your gender has nothing to do with anything at all.

    As you will notice on this forum, there's ignorance all around and those who feel better attempting to make others feel lower for what they ride.

    Cagers don't like bike enthusiast's, so get used to their mis directed  'PISTON' envy.

    Also, I get the scooter comment quite a bit, and I suspect that it might not be sarcastic, just their attempt at humour or commonality.

  15. I occasionally refer to my bike as "the Scoot", and she's 1000 cc.s,

    but then, I'm big & ugly so maybe I don't get your sensitivity.

  16. haha that's kinda funny, I wouldn't be offended i would probably play it off like "yeah wanna go for a ride?"

  17. I got angy just reading the question. The guy's lucky you didn't shoot him!

    The NERVE!

  18. nope I dont wear a helmet

  19. Scooters rock!!

  20. Yes, who ever would say that would get a free one time only punch in the throat.

    Though me and my friends jokingly call dirtbikes "dirt scooters"

  21. I would be.....thats right, thats my moped.50ccs of pure s*x on 2 wheels.

  22. Yup, a Scooter is a Motorcycle...thats just what its always been in our family...

    are you gonna go out on the scooter tonight....

    however, when a young pencilneck behind the counter asks you that, and hes working there selling helmets and jackets and has never rode a bike...

    well then u can laugh alittle.  

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