
Would you be open to the idea of each team having 1 Challenge?

by  |  earlier

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Like in the NFL, the coach can challenge a play or call. With this commotion over the idea of replay in baseball, I think it can still go different way in what to replay on. I think the replay should do more than just see if there was a HR or not. There been some calls at the plate that if were replayed should have gone in a call. And really, how much time would it take? 3-5 minutes?




  1. Never. Replay has made football and hockey unwatchable without a PVR, and it's going to do the same for baseball. Stupidest idea ever - even stupider than the DH.

    In a 162 game season, the calls will even out. In the playoffs they have extra umps to make sure about fair/foul calls on home runs. Complete waste of time.

  2. Baseball already takes too long & there have been more complaints about the length of a game than there have been bad calls. so why fix something that still won't be perfect & make the game even longer?

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