
Would you be sad if Y!A shut down?

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Somebody told me that because of some sort of merger deal between Yahoo and idk who, that there is to be some restructuring and YA might get closed. Anybody else heard of this? Or is my friend just misinformed or a trouble making filthy liar? lol

I've become very addicted to YA and would be really bummed.




  1. I'd be a little sad but I'd move on.  I'd be kinda happy thinking of all the trolls with no one to harass though!!  :@)

  2. i wouldnt know what to do with myself. im addicted to YA! its like my life. =( i know sad right but  

  3. I heard the same thing. I dont know if it is true.

  4. I'd be a bit POed because I have a lot of friends on here, but I would laugh like h**l because the trolls wouldn't have anyone to clone :D

  5. I would be sad, but that's not true. The most that would happen is that Yahoo! Answers would be shut down for a short period. They're not going to shut down a website that brings them so much money. Don't worry. It's not going anywhere.


  6. I'd be sad.


  7. I wouldn't be so much sad as bored. Y!A is a great time killer, and the people (in the LGBT section at least) are generally pleasant.

  8. No, that will never happen. Yahoo! has the support of Google when it comes to company independence/not merging with other companies.

  9. i have heard the same rumor, however, when I heard it it was just the g*y section getting shut down because there have been several lawsuits against yahoo because  of the  " automatic deletion of accounts'"  caused by some activists trying to run others out the of the section.  

  10. I really don't think that's going to happen, but I would be really sad!  I mean, Y!A provides me with hours of relaxation.  That said, I would save a lot of time if it were to disappear.  Imagine the tings I could get done!  Honestly, I'd probably miss my contacts, too.  I'm in love with Answers...

  11. That would be terrible!

    I haven't heard of anything. But I've become addicted to Y!A too!  

  12. noooooo! i wuv the ppl here, their like  a mini cyber family  

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