
Would you be sad or just forget about it if NO ONE in the world called you for your birthday?

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today is my birthday and like every birthday in the past and other hollidays.. Im sure no one will even acknoledge my exsistance on this earth. I am adopted and my adoptive parents dont call. neither do my real parents.. I HATE hollidays just for this reason.. They are not happy times... I feel this wound will never heal. Any sugestions on how to move past this hole in my emotions?




  1. Happy Birthday!  My birthday is tomorrow.  

    I am extremely sorry to hear this, and currently thankful that I have a close-knit family who at least pretends to care.  But what I really miss having on my birthday is friends.  During school, they are there to celebrate every good thing and comfort me when I'm down.  Over the summer, it's short instant messages.  

    But that's not quite my point.  Make some friends in the community in which you live.  The good ones will care about your birthday.  If nothing else, I care that you have a happy birthday.  

    I wish I could record myself singing Happy Birthday for you.  I wish your birthday was a month later so a few friends and I could sing it.  We are all in college studying music.  It would be an experience to remember.

  2. First off, "Happy Birthday"!  Now, I too have gone many years with few people recognizing my day.  I believe that when you get a guy friend and/or get married, he will remember it.  Then, if you have offspring, they too will remember it.  Don't let it bother you .  You are too young to let something this mild get you down.

  3.   H  A  P  P  Y        B I  R  T  H  D  A  Y  !  !  !

    do what u want to do today and just don't care about those people.enjoy ur b'day.

  4. Well I would like to start by singing. HappY BIrTHdAy To U HaPpY birTHdAy tO u, HApPy BIrTHdAy DEAR .......? HappY bIrTHdAy To u. and secondly i would feel upset if no-one aknowledged my birthday too. particularly at a younger age. The older ones u tend to want to forget about yourself lol. no but seriously dont u have friends that know when you're birthday is or anyone else that means something to u?  I think u r soo cut up about it because u probably havnt felt much support from these family members and by not hearing from them at this time every year its just confirming the fact that they dont seem to care or think about U! therefor u need to find some other people u know will give u this support before u can get over it.

  5. First of all, Happy Birthday.  Second, are you not close to your adoptive parents, emotionally I mean?  Do you have any friends at all?  You may need to start reaching out to people instead of expecting them to always reach towards you.  When you start reaching out, many times other people will start reaching back.  I'm wondering why your adoptive parents adopted you if they didn't care about you; I mean adoption is a situation where people have chosen to want someone in their lives, you don't bring a child into your home if you don't care about them.  Have you tried reaching out to your birth parents?  They may feel like they don't have the right to be in your life because they gave you up or haven't seen you in a long time or whatever.  In any event, if these people care for you, they will respond if you reach out to them.  No, you shouldn't have to be the one to do it, but it may not get done if you don't, and you'll be the one most hurt, as you've already seen.

    That being said, as an adult, it's way past time you started to form your own support network.  Get into activities that you enjoy and meet people who share your interests.  Start opening yourself up to friendships with good, supportive people who will come to care about you as you come to care about them.  Sometimes we have to start our family from scratch, but your friends CAN be your family if you let them.

  6. first:

    HAPPIE BIRTHDAI TO YOU!!!!! from me :) hope that kinda helped.


    Even though it'd be at the back of your mind, get out the house, do something that would make YOU happie and, just try to forget about them.

    One last thing:

    Happie Birthdai! some more :)

    (to the retards who may think I can't spell... I really can but I choose to spell the words "happy" and "birthday" differently)

  7. Earth Girl- Happy Birthday! :) I have had birthdays that people forgot about me.. or that it was my birthday. It was kinda sad, but life moves on. I am one of seven siblings and sometimes my parents and brothers and sisters forget.

    Don't let this ruin your outlook on life. You seem like an emotional person, but don't let this deter you from being the best and caring person that you are. I wish you many more Happy Birthday's and a bright and warm future.

  8. Tell your adoptive parents they don't give you enough attention and you could start your own new life apart from those adoptive parents of yours. Yeah, I would feel isolated if no one has called for my birthday.

  9. Happy Birthday, sweetie. How old have you become today?

    I used to pin great importance on this occasion when I was young, but not anymore. I remember I used to be so afraid that people might not remember my birthday so I used to remind them a few days earlier, either directly (to my close friends and family) or by just bringing it up in front of people, such as my grandma... I used to warn my close friends (we used to live in the same building) that if they forgot to, at least, greet me on that day, I will never talk to them again. But now I thik, so what's the big deal? It's another day, like every other day...

    What makes any day special is how you decide to spend it. How many good deads, finished tasks and how peaceful your day is.

    Anyway, here is a BIG HUG from me and a wish for a very Happy Birthday and many happy years to come

  10. I'm not quite that immature... I haven't had a call from anyone on my birthday in YEARS and would probably faint if someone ever even bothered to call me.

    Don't worry about it... the world is not going to end so quite feeling sorry for yourself and DO SOMETHING NICE FOR YOU.. and to h**l with everyone else.

  11. I wouldn't take offense to it.  If you want to get together and celebrate invite family over.  People have hectic schedules so don't blame them.  

  12. I'd feel sad.  

    And I'd wonder why.

    I would call up my friends and go out to eat or ask them over to my house.  

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone on here whose birthday it is today and tomorrow (just in case I can't find this post tomorrow).

  14. I'd forget about it, as a matter of fact I have even forgotten my own birthday on more than one occasion.

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