
Would you be scared if you saw this dog walking down the street?

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a great dane/saint bernard mix.




  1. i wouldnt be scared, just as long as she didnt jump up at me. lol

  2. Not unless she was walking down the street growling and looking vicious! I am sure she is adorable and  everyone will stare and tell you how amazing it is that she is so big and gorgeous!  

  3. depends, if the owner looked confident with the dog, if the dog was under control, if it was on a lead??? lots of factors i cant just answer a yes or no as your dog could be a maniac lol if i had my son with me tho i would cross the road and pick him up because no-one can trust their dog 100%. maybe 98%. and if you have this dog so people r scaredu shouldnt own pets, if your wondering y people react scared toward your dog, is because big dogs are scary well scarier than small dogs like my lil shihtzu lol

  4. If it's noticeably part Dane, yes. Sorry, but I've never met a trustworthy, friendly Great Dane. I'm sure they exist, I just don't know any.

  5. No.

    Unless it was exhibiting some behavior that caused me to be concerned.

    That mix with a St. must contribute to the amount of slobber that dog produces.  That scares me.

    I have Danes but they don't slobber like some.

    ***Melissa K, how long have you been a dog trainer & where do you live?

    I can introduce you to numerous Danes that are (as the breed standard states) gentle giants.  

    I suspect you've been exposed to too many poorly (BYB) bred Danes.

  6. only if it was growling and chasing me

  7. No dogs rarely scare the owners on the other end of the leash are a different story

  8. no not scared, probably amazed at how big he is!!

  9. no only if it came toward me

  10. Not at all.

  11. Only if it was not leashed and coming at me.

  12. Probably not

  13. No, when we where camping we seen one. It was very gentle plus there cute.

  14. It would depend on a few he leashed?  is there an owner present?  is he acting aggressively: growling, postering in an aggressive manner?  

    Those things would determine my concern about seeing this, or any, dog on the street.

    Heck, a shih tzu might be cause for concern/fear if it was acting insanely and as if it may attack me.

  15. No.

    ..Actually, I suppose it would depend on the circumstances. If it were a rambunctious dog dragging a teenage girl by the leash, and I had kids with me, I'd make sure I was on the other side of the street.

    A well behaved dog with a grown man walking him, and if I had no children with me, I may just ask to pet him.

  16. Yes, I would be highly concerned he would get drool on me!!!!

    Would I be afraid he would harm me... no, not generally.  I'm far more leery of miniature Poodles (because I've been bitten by them multiple times) than I am of any big dog.

    Edit: And FWIW- I've never met a Great Dane whose sole goal wasn't to l**k me to death or sit in my lap.

  17. I wouldn't be scared but I would be very hesitant due to the fact that I would not know if it was an aggressive dog or not.

  18. Haha, I have a St. Bernard/Golden retriever mix. He's the most gentle dog in the world but people are scared of him. :D.. lol. So no, it's really the little ones that bite. LMAO!

  19. no way,i'd be happy and would admire him/her

  20. not at all why

  21. Absolutely not!

  22. No reason to be scared of a mix like that. The only dogs that scare me are the ones with no training, and the ones that aren't under owner control.

  23. No, because I always have my mutt with me and if it tried to attack me, my dog would attack it and drive it off. If you take your dog out a lot and get other people to know her and see that she is friendly, she'll develop a good reputation and people will like her.

  24. No I would not.  I don't think most people are intimidated by Great Danes or St. Bernards.  They are known to be friendly dogs.

    However, people who are intimidated by large dogs would find it a little scary.

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