
Would you be suspicious about this?

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I work at a hotel at the front desk. I made a reservation the other day for a gentleman who said he was coming with his granddaughter. I asked him if he wanted a two double-bed room and he said a king size will be fine, he and his granddaughter can sleep in the same bed. I told him that all the rooms were the same rate and we had plenty of doubles if that would be more convenient for him. He insisted on the king room. I assumed that his granddaughter was very young and scared to sleep by herself or something. Well, he comes in today and checks in and his granddaughter looks to be about 14 or 15 years old. Now, I just find that a little odd. But maybe it isn't. I mean, I can understand if we had no doubles left, but we have plenty! Am I looking too deeply into this? By the way, I'm really bored at work today, so it could be that I'm just making something out of nothing.




  1. That is odd...most teenagers like their own space.

  2. That is way creepy because teenagers have a tendency to expand their personal bubbles pretty far out, and this one seems not to mind. Weird.

  3. Time to call Dateline and Chris Hansen.  

  4. No eww thats nasty

  5. I would check with your manager to see if the hotel has a policy regarding this.  The housekeeping staff may be able to check for signs of sexual abuse.  I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with the hotel for violating a guest's privacy, but your manager may err on the side of caution and want to ignore this.  If you really are suspicious, you might want to remind him/her that the protection of children is everyone’s responsibility and the law provides that anyone may make an anonymous report to the hotline below:

    1-800-25-ABUSE (1-800-252-2873)

    When children are being abused, they are usually too scared to tell anyone. They cannot help themselves and, too often, the people they should be going to for help are the ones abusing them.

    Child abuse needs to be reported because it’s likely to go on until someone gets help – and the people involved may be too ashamed or too distressed to get help for themselves. By reporting abuse, you can help make a child safe.

    That being said, I would tend to agree that gramps is either a dirty old perv getting off on sleeping next to his teenage granddaughter or, more likely, he just doesn't understand that she is at an age where she should have her own bed, i.e. he still thinks of her as a "little girl".  Let's hope it's the latter.

  6. Sounds a bit sketchy to me...

  7. Darn tootin' I would be suspicious.  You are not looking too deeply.  That is disgusting.

  8. Where is that geek from Dateline when you need him?.....


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