
Would you be suspicious if your husband called your daughter by his ex girlfriends daughters name?

by Guest65364  |  earlier

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Me and my husband have been married for almost 8 months now. A year before we got married he cheated on me with his ex who has a baby by another man. A couple months ago I noticed that she was added to his friends on myspace and he didn't tell me. He was also on her top friends. I confronted him about it and he deleted her and told me he was going to tell me but was waiting for the right moment. It took him a few days to delete her and i had to remind him over and over then finally he did it. Then a few nights ago he got a message at 1am in the morning from mysterious number saying "heyy". Turns out the message was from one of her best friends. Well anyway I'm pregnant with a baby girl and last night he called her by his ex's daughters name. He apologized and said he doesn't talk to her and doesn't know where her daughters name came from or why her friend texted him at 1am in the morning. But it just doesn't make any sense to me where that name would have came from if he isn't talking to her.

Would you be suspicious??




  1. cheaters don't normally change their stripes.  i don't think i'd be concerned about the name thing if he didn't have a history of cheating, but he does.   i don't mean to be harsh, but you did know when you married him that he was a cheater and you chose to marry him anyway.  people don't usually change once they're past 30 or so.

  2. Doesn't really matter. You married him and how you're pregnant. Learn to live with it. Stop dwelling on it. Ignore it. Surely your marriage is stronger than a text message and some stupid myspace games.

  3. no, as long as he doesn't call u by his exes name

  4. Your husband is up to no good...He has no respect for you or your marriage...He has no business being in touch with the ex he cheated on you with.....the red flag was there for you then my dear...He only deleted her off his myspace...because  you found out he had her there....I think he is lying to you about calling your daughter by his ex's daughter's name....He has been spending time with the ex and her daughter...and he is lying about the 1 am phone call...He knows d**n well who and why the text him.....Got yourself a real winner!

    EDIT  Well he may not be spending time physically with this woman...but apparently he is still having an emotional connection with her....

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