
Would you be upset? Or am I overreacting? ?

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We live with my in-laws. I want to move out but we can't afford it right now. Anyway, I came home tonight to find one of drawers in my daughter's dresser open. I have a plastic bag of different sizes if batteries for her toys and monitor. The bag was open and his mom had gone and used some batteries. I am pissed! I know its just batteries but she shouldve asked me. I feel she doesnt respect my stuff or our space. Granted we live in their house, but we have a baby and our own family now. Even before she would come in our room and borrow my eyelash curler. I let her use it once then she just kept on using it. I know only cause it be out back in different places other then where I left it. She also used my perfume once without asking. Then she tells me, I uses your perfume, so what could I say? So isaid that's ok. Then she started using it all the time. I finally just gave it to her. And if she does ask to borrow stuff, I don't get it back. She's borrowed a bunch of hair pins and stuff and she never gives it back. Should I be upset or am I just being anal?




  1. Just let her know that you would appeciate it if she asked before she took stuff and mabye to not go into your bedroom. It is your house, but the stuff in that room is your stuff. I'm about to move in with my in laws and she has already told me that if she is pushing anything to let her know, and thats what I plan to do because we have a close relationship. Good luck, I hope things get better .

  2. First off, you're not being anal at all. Your stuff is your stuff. Granted, I do not know what your step mother is like; however an interesting way to begin a conversation about the situation (because there are only three things that will happen from this point on: 1- you being a conversation with her and resolve the issue, 2- you let her continue until one day you snap and feelings get hurt, or 3- eventually [and hopefully] you move out) is to leave a note near one of the things that she takes with out asking saying, "Please just ask me first." This will force her to either ask you or she will just decide to not bother taking it. IF SHE CONTINUES YOU MUST SIT HER DOWN AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU FEEL! (keep it polite)

  3. i guess shes doin dat cuz ur livin wif her n dat she feels like u owe her

  4. You're right, your mother-in-law doesn't know the meaning of the word "boundaries".  She obviously feels that anything in her house is hers to use as she likes.  But guess what - none of this would be a problem if you weren't living under her roof.  Maybe (just a thought) you shouldn't get married, have kids and play family if you can't stand on your own feet yet?

  5. Anal. They're lending you their house, just relax and tell her that whenever she wants to borrow something to let you know first just so there's no misunderstandings. Hide the stuff you don't want her touching

  6. Id be upset but not much you can do in this situation. Maybe confront her about it. But you don't want to get kicked out. Just take her to the side and talk to her. Don't get loud with her, just tell her how you feel and that she should respect your belongings.  

  7. I think that you have every right to want them to respect your privacy and your space. I don't do this to my under aged children. I respect their stuff and their space like I expect them to respect mine.  

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