
Would you be upset if one of your closest friend never attends your birthday parties?

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Would you be upset if one of your closest friend never attends your birthday parties?




  1. I would because I would miss them at my party. But if they can't come because there unavailable then that's okay. But if they just don't want to come then I would be upset.  

  2. not really because i went to the cinema for my birthdayand my best best friend didn't come, she did something with her other best friends, but that was her other best birthday thing

    but you should be upset, maybe a little angry but just forgive them, but make sure they go to your next one, i am sure they are sorry


  3. No - because that's life - you can't have expectations on your friends and expect your friendship to last. Life happens and as sad as it is - your birthday is not going to be all of your family and friends' highest priority every year. Get over it if you want to keep your friend.

  4. Hey, It Happened To Me A Lot, My Best Friends Didnt Attant My B-day, And I Got Mad, Bacause Their My Best Friends They Should Support You And Be There For You In Your Day, I Dont Know About You, But I Got Mad, But I Still Will Be Her Bestfriend, But I'll Tell Her To Come Next Time.;)

    Hope I Helped


  5. yes.

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