
Would you be upset if your husband had somebody over every single day?

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Its the same person everyday and i would really just like to have some alone time as a family.




  1. Since you've already discussed his with your husband, tell him either he talks to his friend or you will. What's your husband afraid of? A little intimacy with his family?

  2. If I had already discussed this with him and he still had this person over day in and day out then yes I would be very upset.  I would tell him it is either them or me.  

  3. Yes, I would be upset if it was something new and out of character for him.

    If it was his normal behavior, I would be upset with myself for marrying him.

  4. Yes I would be.  So, do something about it then!

  5. You are not controlling you're just normal. He wouldn't like it either.I am dealing with the same problem right now. Everyday my husband calls our married daughter to come and have breakfast with us. I would not mind a couple of times a week because they are close and that's nice but every single day is just too much.

    Why don't you start having someone over everyday yourself so it will HELP HIM TO BE MORE UNDERSTANDING.

  6. Tell him that too controlling is you kicking him and his friend out of the house, and letting them find something to do elsewhere. If he still doesn't listen, then politely tell the friend that it is time for him to go, that you and your husband have plans for the night and will be leaving later in the evening. If your husband gets angry, tell him there is more where that came from :)

    Also, how dare he call you controlling. HE is the one controlling who you see in YOUR home everyday!!

  7. yes, i would be upset. i went thru something similar with my husband only instead of having people over, he was going out all the time. i told him it bothered me and he just said this is how i am i don't like to be home that much. so i found stuff to do with him together and didn't make a big deal out of it and gave him time to change. now he hardly ever goes out and we always spend time together. you've done your part, told him how you felt, now you just have to wait and see if he'll change. he knows it bothers you and if he loves you and respects you he will change. don't be too nagging about it cuz that's just like a parent telling a kid they can't do something, it makes em wanna do it more. when he has a friend over, go do your own thing. try not to be around as much, maybe he's taking you for granted and you should bring back a little mystery and make him want to be around you alone. i know you probly feel you shouldn't have to since he is your husband and should already want that but sometimes you just gotta show him. actions speak louder then words is all i can really say.

  8. Yes, that would really get on my nerves.  I'm not big on having company over (usually because with two little ones my house is never clean enough) and my hubby respects that.  He usually goes to his friends' houses if he wants to hang out.  

  9. Try talking candidly and sensibly with your hubby about your desire to spend time with just him and the kids - family time.  Let him know that you respect him and want him to have his 'buddy' time, but that you and his family need and want him to yourselves.  You have first and exclusive dibs on him.  Make it interesting and fun if it is not already.  Ask him his honest feelings, he may be bored or not necessarily the 'settled, homey' type or whatever.  There is a reason why he is investing so much time [every day?] into this friend, but so little time [if i understand you correctly] with you and the kids.  Explore and get some solid answers, and come to a mutual understanding to make each other happy.

  10. So speak to your husband about it...or speak to his guest and explain you'd be completely okay with it if he turned down an invite now and then. ☺

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