Not like that, but here's details. My husband and his ex went to move their daughter into college about 8 hrs away over the weekend. I could not go, so when I called him later that evening he was in a lounge with her, then apparently they caught a subway to tour the down town area. He usually calls periodically all the time, but this time never once, so I called him. He kept picking up his phone and shutting it off, then finally he just left it off. I couldn't figure out what he was doing or why he was doing it. The day before he left my friends called me and asked me to go out, I asked him and he was very angry and said you cannot go to a bar. OK I abided by that rule and got together with them at one of their houses. But he obviously did what he wanted, hung out with his ex wife all weekend. Now I am not a jealous wife not even close, but I am very suspicious. Should I be or am I overreacting?