
Would you be willing to back a bill that would release reserve oil for diesel,heating oil and jet fuel ONLY?

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I believe that the cost of diesel should be equal to or slightly less than the cost of standard gas. I believe that the health of the general population is being compromised by the rush to combine as many different kinds of products into one 'full' load by the transport companys. God only knows what reckless combonations are taking place in this reguard.I believe the samonilia outbreak of past weeks is a direct result of these practices-thus explaining the confusion on the part of the CDC. Safe transport of 'foodstuffs' should in no way be compromised by present economic political climates.




  1. I think diesel is taxed so much because it's used in shipping and is therefore a large contribitor to pollution.  Temporary economic hardships aren't as important as the fact that we're killing ourselves.  We were being poisoned my foodstuffs before the current situations, remember spinach last year.  I wish there was more opprotunity to buy locally, it's just not economical for local farmers though.

  2. Yes.

  3. Yea. The rest of us should get up on alternative energy.

  4. The release of reserve oil would not change the relative amounts of various components in the oil, so that gasoline is likely to be as relatively plentiful. That part of the bill would be impractical.

    Full load shipping does still appear to be sound use of the fuel needed to propel it. I do not feel this says anything about mixing good things with bad things, or even failing to clean out vehicles. When we insist that vehicles carry only one product rather than insisting that there be appropriate containerization, we may get the worst of all combinations and bade shipping economy to boot.

    So,no, I don't think you are proposing anything of value here.

  5. You can't just get heating, diesel and jet fuel form oil.  Processing oil gives you each and every kind of gas possible.

  6. I would certainly support a release for home heating oil as it is a critical part of surviving the winters in much of the USA. With regards to food transport- these costs are passed directly to the consumer as we have already seen the increases at the market. I don't believe giving the transportation companies a break will do anything for us and that it would merely fatten the pockets of the companies providing these services. In years past when the cost of goods when up due to economic hardship they never came down when the hardship was alleviated, there is no reason to believe our current situation is any different.

  7. Let's start drilling our own oil, and then we would be free of worrying and high prices.  But Pelosi won't let them vote for that and she went on vacation. What a joke she is.

    Seriously, we should vote on oil drilling in America. McCain wants to do that. We could release reserve oil, but its always dangerous to do that.

  8. No.

    The Strategic Oil Reserve is intended to be used in times of an actual national emergency - not pandering for votes.

    We got into this mess by hoping that alternative energy would solve our problems.  We need to recognize that in the last 30 years alternative energy has never delivered on its promise and increase domestic oil production and start building nuclear power plants.

    BTW - the salmonella issue was caused by contaminated jalapeno peppers imported from Mexico.

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