
Would you be willing to be a representative of your State?

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If you were given the opportunity or some may believe thankless job, as a small business owner to respresent your state on a commitee and go to the White House to advise the President; would you do it?




  1. If I was elected by my peers to represent them, yes, I would go. It would be my duty as a citzen to do so. The problem is all the people who try to get elected for the extra paycheck, or the power, or getting kickbacks, etc. We have lost that sense of honorable duty.

  2. sure but it would never happen cause i vote by being informed and by conscience and both are lacking in government these days

  3. No, I have no political aspirations. Besides I might get to be as corrupt as the congress and the chimp already are!

  4. No. Because the Public at large is Polarized & has no interest in Listening to anything I'd say to bring it to consensus, and our Current President has no interest in listening to what ANYONE says. So WHY would I want to waste my time- spinning my wheels??!

  5. Yes, I would. But I don't have the money to fund an election.

  6. In a second, assuming the committee was for a subject I feel qualified to advise on.  I've run for elected office twice (totally creamed both times), and take a continuous active interest in politics.  Just came from a party where I was shmoozing the brother-in-law of my state senator.

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