
Would you be willing to join a 'Partnership for a sugar-free America?

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Let's face it, partnership for a drug free America is a 'pipe-dream'. As long as there are drugs, people are willing to use them, for whatever reason <here's your vicodin, Grandma>

But sugar! It rots your teeth, has absolutely no nutritional value, and is a leading cause of one of the most widespread diseases in America, diabetes. To Arms! To Arms!




  1. So if a drug free America is a pipe dream, how do you think a sugar free America is going to fare any better? You&#039;re delusional. Teach your kids to eat better, but leave mine alone.

  2. umm no that would be stupid thats why people arent supposed to always eat junk

  3. And without sugar, your brain would not work as it can only burn glucose.

    Sugar isn&#039;t the problem. Nutritional ignorance is.

  4. No Way, Americans are bitter enough right now as it is...more ice cream for everyone!!!

  5. No

  6. No.


    You are giving the Democrats ideas.

    They will want to put a big tax on sugar now.

  7. sugar also contributes to diabetes and obesity insuring drug companies lots of money for a long time to come.

  8. It is not the government&#039;s job to regulate my habits.  If I want to smoke crack or eat sugar that&#039;s my business, not yours.  I also do not believe that the government should help those with addictions.  If I&#039;m a crack w***e, that&#039;s my problem, not yours and not the governments.

  9. Would not join

  10. You are woefully misinformed about diabetes. Sugar does not cause either Type I or Type II diabetes.  In fact, no one knows what actually does cause diabetes but they do know that obese people who don&#039;t get enough exercise are prone to develop it, and it is primarily fats and lack of exercise, not sugar, that makes most people obese.  That is why juvenile diabetes is becoming such a problem:  Too much sitting in front of the TV eating chips and getting fat, not enough exercise to burn off the fat.

    I&#039;ll give you the point that it does rot your teeth (unless you brush and floss immediately after eating sweets) and has no nutritional value.

  11. No, I would not be willing to join a &quot;Partnership for a suger-free America&quot;.  We are a nation of individuals. Just because some folks cannot eat suger (ie, diabetes), does not mean other people cannot. As far as sugar rotting teeth, have you ever heard of a toothbrush?

    No, this sounds too much like big government. Big Brother getting his paws into something he has no business getting onvolved wiht. Do you really, honestly and truely, want the government to dictate your life? Check out the movie &quot;Brazil&quot;.

  12. NO! it&#039;s the individual&#039;s responsibility to take care of him/herself, not the government&#039;s!

  13. NoOOO...In Canada cyclimates are OK not US sacarin is OK not cyclimates!

    I dislike white flour and white sugar as taught by the press of my formative period era.Nowadays they preach that unrefined cane sugar, tomato paste, no milk take zinc supplimants and &quot;prostate&quot; vitamins, avoid IRON if a guy and you may get to keep your prostate and you formerly did, her ladyship willing.

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