
Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world?

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Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world?




  1. i wanna say yes but i can't, its immoral and who is the innocent, are you?

  2. No, I would not. I feel sorry for those people who are suffering but, killing someone is not the answer.

  3. No way never ever in all the world would I kill anyone especially not an innocent person.  I wouldn't be able to kill somebody even in self-defense so I definitely could not and would not kill an innocent person to end hunger in the world.

  4. Hunger causes murder anyway, so sure.

  5. If he was willing to die to save the world, yes. Its almost like Jesus dying to save us all.

    Think about it.

    =] xoxox [=

  6. nothing justifies murder

  7. Would you be willing to jump off the Empire State Building if I promised you eternal life?

  8. this is a stupid question.  Shame on you!

  9. It's been attempted more than once.  Strange - hunger wasn't ended then; why would killing another innocent end it now?  Interesting avatar, btw...

  10. would you?

  11. Satan, get thee behind me. No, way.

  12. you sick son of a *****, u need help......yeah sit here and think bout what u just said what if soome one killed your mom so it would world hunger!! not nice !!! no what homeless ppl need to do is go and find a job love much tayla!!

  13. maybe... don't see how this situation will ever happen... woman and children first is a good rule...

  14. if honestly I wanted to save the world, I would kill myself first.

  15. ???????

  16. It wouldn't, I can tell you that, so this question can't even be thought about.

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