
Would you be willing to pay higher taxes if........?

by  |  earlier

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Wouldn't be nice if necessary utilities such as water, electricity and gas were free of charge?? Its not fair that a few companies make all this money off of the public for something essential like that. If taxes were higher in order to pay for the operation, labor and upkeep of the utilities, would you be okay with that? I sure would...give me some feedback.




  1. The problem is that many governments sell off their public utilities to make short term money.  But then they are at the mercy of those private or corporate interests for pricing and availability.

    Our factory was hit by power outages in California when former Gov. Davis sold off the power companies and those power companies sold the power to other markets where they could get more money, leaving Califorina in a lurch.  Having power suddenly go out at 2PM is not pleasant when trying to run a metals foundary with electric furnaces.

    One community in IL sold their water department to a foreign company.  That company tripled the price of water.  When the communitiy wanted to buy back their water department, the company wanted triple the price because they had tripled revenues.

    In most areas the government does not own gas or electric utilities, and often not even the water utility.  Although, some communities (like Naperville, IL) do contract to get a specific rate for their community and may have a combined bill.

    Private industry can run things more efficiently than big government, but there need to be checks in place to prevent a private utility with a locked in market from becoming greedy while still able to turn a profit.

  2. To the "top contributor" are obviously an idiot! I suppose that's how you get all those points..not reading the questions and just blurting out any ignorant thing that comes to your mind. You might want to read the question, she states that it would be paid for by the tax money..duh!!! Anyways, I think it's a lovely idea, I wouldn't mind at all.

  3. Good idea. but the problem is that sometimes governments make decision based on benefits.

  4. Yep! those are items that man now considers necessities - not luxuries.  That's something I think the government should pay for for all its citizens.

  5. Well, geez, it would be nice if EVERYTHING was free.  Just one little catch, of course - since nobody would have incentive to work, where would all of these things come from?

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