
Would you be willing to pay more in taxes to see our troops get a fair G.I. bill ?

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Would you be willing to pay more in taxes to see our troops get a fair G.I. bill ?




  1. YES, because the one that "I" was able to take advantage of when "I" served went a long way to enabling me to get my degree.

    I wonder why the republicans disrespect our troops so much?

    All of them gave some, and some of them gave all.

  2. i think the government should quit giving money (welfare, food stamps.etc...) to the lazy mo fo's out there and spend a little less money on stupid things like campaigns.  that would surely be enough money to give the GI's a most deserving GI bill.  They risk their lives for us and the government gives money to undeserving lazy people because of a vote.  we would have millions to help out the soldiers and the family of fallen soldiers if the government would quit giving out welfare and food stamps and start making them work for their free ride.

  3. Yep

  4. No as we already pay too much in taxes, I would strongly support an across the board cut in funding for all other Government programs in order to provide a GI Bill that our Servicemen and Women so justly deserve.

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