
Would you be willing to share your dreams?

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I've been working on a little project called the Dream book. It's basically a book all about peoples' dreams. You don't have to use names, or you can. You can tell me as much or as little as you want about it.

So I'm wondering if you could respond with your dreams? :)




  1. I had 2 dreams in a row about a guy childhood friend. its been 4 years

    he was sexually harassing me in the first one, but like a brother in the second one.

    im going to see him in a week.  

  2. ok well i heard every dream has a code and i can usually figure them out but this one i cant. okay i tell you the dream and will you help me know what the code is...okay i was in school again and i was walking home and i almost got hit by a car till this blond headed boy save me and we kissed...i dont know why but in the dream we did...and yea and so the next day i end up gym partners with another boy and and then this and a little boy becomes my friend and this older boy becomes my best friend. So they all end up liking me and going to the same school, and they all meet eacher and all at the same time said that they liked me.... and i ask them what they saw about me they did like and the blond one said poofy hair and the others said i dont know. so i ask why they did and all three of the boys said i dont know but when i ask the older boy he said that i learn to like your flaws and i like you.... and i started to make a discision  but me in the dream mind said you like the older one i...think in the i like him.

    Oh and when i dream sometimes..... i can wake up and just go back to sleep ten mins later to begin were i left off in my dream....

    okay i had a dream that i was like a witch not a evil witch but a good one, and it hard to explain but i had powers and when i woke up it was like it actully happen... like i felt it coursing though my vains.....

  3. I would love to. Do I have to e-mail you or something.. but I'll just share my last one ere:

    (A little information so that you get this dream, [in real life] I'm from a little town i Canada but I live in Rome and go back to that town every summer)

    Okay so it's summer and I'm the age I am now, 13 in my backyard in my Canada house. I walk away from the yard and I've only reached the neighbours fence (although it feels I've been walking miles) when I hear kids laughing and playing in the neighbours yard. It strikes me as weird because they don't have any kids, and I'm about to go and investigate when one kid comes out, looking breathless. I realize that he's my childhood friend Christopher, and he looks like he's ten years old, even though he's a couple years older than me. Suddenly I'm thirteen and eight at the same time, just as he's ten and fifteen at the same time. I ask him if I can play too and he says 'alright.. but weve never had any girls in this before' a stick materialezes into his hand he plugs it into the ground. I do the same with a random stick that appears in my hand. Hours seem to pass and I;m ready to go home, but for some reason we walk together al the way to a different block. He says I can now call him Lint Lemon and I catch him by surprise and kiss him (I felt the kiss for a whole day..weird). It didn't feel very nice, just the taste of warm tongue, which was uncomfortable, but in the dream we both seemed to love it. He rips a post-it note off my shirt and tells me I'm the best gf he;s ever had. I say I'll read his later and then I walk away. I seem to eb walking again for miles until I'm in Rome and then I get lost next to the Colosseum and I cry and I wake up.

  4. Ok I used to have this dream a lot when I was a little kid...

    I was in my grandparents' house and we had to lock up all the doors and windows because there was a bear on the loose. There would always be a bunch of 5 gallon jugs of water on the floor for whatever reason. I would walk upstairs to my grandma's room to lock the window and I would see the bear climing a tree right outside the window. Sometimes I would get the window closed in time, other times, I wouldn't.

    Weird dream, huh? It scared the c**p out of me when I was 5 years old...

  5. I had a dream I could fly and some idiots were trying to capture me to use me in their studies. I only get captured by them once but then I escape and I laugh at them as I fly away. there's more info but I don't want to continue typing.  

  6. last night my dream

    i had a dream about my 3 year old girl cuzin she kept telling me she was going to die and go to heaven and i was crying because i would miss her and she said dont cry youll c me when you die and go to heaven..............

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