
Would you be willing too pay more taxes, so animals would have health care...?

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Would you be willing too pay more taxes, so animals would have health care...?




  1. Let's get all the legal US citizens covered first

  2. No I would not and that has nothing to do with the importance of health care for animals.  To do so would be yet another step in having the government take care of everything.  That being an idea supported most by those that don't pay taxes or have enough money that they don't care.

  3. NO!

  4. No.  I do donate to the SPCA but that's about it.  If you wish to pay for animal healthcare, knock yourself out; just not with MY tax dollars.

    Animals in the wild have healthcare.  It's called "Survival of the Fittest."  Like it or not, that's how nature WORKS.

  5. Good question.  I guess you have to be an animal lover to really understand it.  I have 2 german shepherds, so I would not mind paying a higher tax so animals can have heath insurance.  Though I think the most likely place to get that accomplished would be at the state level.

    I do not think it would work because a lot of people who vote do not have animals and the bill if introduced on the state legislature level probably would not pass, however it is an interesting concept.

  6. i wouldnt even be willing to pay more taxes to give lazy PEOPLE health care

  7. Not

  8. The animals you are talking about fall into various categories.  Some of these categories ALREADY pay taxes for the animals.  Do you propose to alter the current rules and then reintroduce a tax at a broad federal level?  Too expensive.

    1.  Business animals.  Health care is *already* a deductable expense to the business owner.  This health care expense is matched up to the user.

    2.  Service animals (blind, etc).  Health care is a deductable expense as a medical expense if the person can itemize.  This health care expense is matched up to the user.

    3.  Pets.  Owning one is a personal choice.  Insurance is available.  The pet owner should provide these.

    4.  Strays.  Animal control has to deal with the fact that there are too many.  They can't provide health care--they have so many they are destroying them.  Costs are paid at the local level and matched up to the region's users.

    5.  Wild animals.  Tax money is already raised and spent from hunting licenses.  Costs are born by users.

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