
Would you beat up your dad's secret lover?!?!?

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(Please take this seriously)

one day you follow your dad to the park where he says he goes to run every morning and you find him with another women who is not your mom. you are right in front of both of them, so what do you do?

i think i would beat the c**p out of that w***e, but then again i have to think about the possibility that she might not know my dad is married and that my dad is the one to blame.

would you do the same?!?!

please help.




  1. Probably not.  Your dad is the one to blame here, not the "w***e" as you so nicely put it.  Have you considered telling your mom.  She will be hurt, but she should really know.  Your dad has put you in a bad spot, how awful!

  2. Your dad is the one that made the promise of fidelity, not the woman. Why blame her ?

  3. You need to mind your own business*

  4. I sure would be mad if my dad cheated on my mom.

    but i will make sure that he really is cheating first~ did u see them doing sth intimate? are they flirting? it might be best if u would confront him so that he doesn't do anything else.

    and respect it if he told u not to tell ur mom bc this will hurt ur mom alot!! and try to work together to rebuild the trust that was damaged bc he was doing sth awful~

    but give him another chance. if that woman won't leave ur dad alone, then step up and tell her to take a hike. you're the child  and it's ur family. defend it!

  5. Probably. = )

  6. Well I would at least pounce on her and then pin her down to the ground to get the message across.

    Then the hard part -- my father. See, I'm a big-time 'daddy's girl' so that would be hard for me. But I would tell him that I know. And then all h**l would break loose!

    But I know that my dad would never do that. Oh no, he's too mean and a smart-@ss for women today to deal with. That's why my mom deals with him~

  7. No, just talk to your dad about it. Find out why.

  8. Been there, done that. But HOWEVER, the one who is to be blamed is your dad. A few years ago I went through the same c**p, and felt like killing the other woman, but then if you look at the matter logically, it's your dad's responsibility to stay faithful to his spouse isn't it? I wouldn't recommend screaming and behaving in an irrational manner after finding out (like I did) because it ends up in confusion. Do you have evidence that your dad may be committing adultery? Do you witness something abnormal, like flirting? My advice would be to stay hidden and investigate more in the background, if you have not acquired enough evidence. And no, do not go on a rampage and kill her. Lol! Think rationally. =]

  9. This happened to me except it was my mom meeting her boyfriend.  It crushed my heart I couldn't do anything at that moment.  But I told my dad, cursed the guy out and have resented my mom ever sense.

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