
Would you become a terrorist if your government was run by genocidal fascist maniacs?

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all hypothetical of course. I don't live in America.




  1. No.  I don't think attacking civilians is warranted.

    I can understand your interest in the subject, though... since you don't live in America, your chances of your government being run by genocidal fascist maniacs might be pretty good.

  2. If we agree that terrorism is violence against civilians to achieve political objectives, then the answer is "no".

  3. No, I would fight for my freedom. I would not target civilians, that's what terrorists do.

  4. If my government turned into fascist maniacs, then THEY would then be terrorists and I would react through patriotism.  So, they may view me as a terrorist, but in reality I would be a patriot.

  5. Well, if Obama gets elected, I might consider it.

  6. Genocidal, fascist and maniacal? Are you thinking this of America?

    None of these ideas exist for America today, but there was one fascist in our past, and that was Woodrow Wilson. He had people arrested if they disagreed with him. There are other details of this nut, and he makes every other president look like severe pacifists compared to him.

    Ironically, he was a Democrat and was forcing many of the same ideals and fascist approaches that many on the left want to force upon the Americans. As Woodrow did, they want to do - political correctness, class separations, massive government expansion and increased control over freedoms (isn't that an oxymoron? Of course it is).

    But, American's are little of thought, and believe that Fascism only relates to whether someone is willing to go to war or not. They do include "wire-tapping" as part of the label on Bush, but ignore the fact that Clinton wire-tapped and mandated "carnivore/echelon" upon the people in invasion of their privacy. Apparently, if a Democrat does it, then it's OK and not considered "fascism", but if a Republican does, then it is.

    The biggest danger now is a new candidate that wants to change the Presidential Seal to "his own design", and promises big government, big taxes and a new plan for Americans. His website, and that of his church promise fascism dressed in political demagoguery so his sheep won't see the barbs on the wires.  This is a Fascist in every sense of the word. If America doesn't know what a real fascist is, don't worry ... they will.

    Then, and according to him [the new fascist "democrat" where democracy will truly die], many will automatically become "terrorists" simply by being in opposition to him and his party.

    This "party" of so called "progressives" supports, promotes and demands destroying true freedom of speech, religion and freedom and replacing it with politically "approved" actions and language. That by every definition is "fascism".

    Under them, and if there is enough of it [fascism], then "yes" - by simply being ourselves, most Americans will become "terrorists", and may have to act accordingly to save true liberty and freedom.

    We are already and quickly becoming like the fascist legalist states of Europe where speech and religious freedoms are controlled, and classes are elevated or submerged compared to other polically categorized groups of people. True equality under this kind of ideology is politically and legalistically removed in favor of a few controlling many. In America true freedom is already dying, as many of the socialists/leftists/democrats promote government equalization by elitists - pre communist socialism.

    As it is, the leftist party already supports massive genocide [infanticide up to partial birth] and try to call it everything else but the truth. In other words, politically corrected language and perspectives - and many are maniacal about it and insist revocation of free speech regarding the issue. Fortunately, they just aren't the leaders - yet.  

    Terrorist? We'll see, and so will you.

    Keep watching - fascism is on the rise in America, and Bush isn't even close.

  7. No, terrorists target civilians.  My targets would be against the dictator and his government.  I guess that would be considerd more as a rebel or revolutionist.

  8. isnt that the foundation of every goverment

  9. This country was born on those very same issues....One man's Terrorist is another man's Patriot......I swore an oath to defend my country from enemies both foreign and domestic. I take that oath very seriously and will defend my rights till death. GOD BLESS AMERICA

  10. Go crazy and kill Innocent people because the government sucks? That's a really stupid question.

    P.S. There are no genocides in America and the n**i party in this hemisphere is composed of  a whole lot of attention seeking racist a holes that nobody likes.

    P.S.S. By saying you do not live in America you do realize that the whole hemisphere is America, i learned that in 1st grade. If you're referring to the USA that's it's name, not just America.

  11. That begs the question, why do only the good guys get assassinated like JFK, his brother, L.King etc, because the government CIA do it for the Elite, may be if the people had 'hit squads' we would have better countries.  But those who have the money, have the power.

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