
Would you become an illegal alien if...?

by Guest59309  |  earlier

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you lived in a country that was supposed to be a democracy but was practically run as a dictatorship, (ie, Venezuela) and if you tried to affect change in the government, your life would be in danger? How would you feel if you constantly had to fear high levels of crime and had no protection from a corrupt police force? What if you were poor and could not afford college; or, if you were able to go to college, there was no employment in professional fields there, and you had to take a manual job making $2/day? What if you legally tried all ways to get a visa to the U.S. and were turned down? I'm just curious about people's opinions. Thanks!




  1. Oh Julie,

    It's a good question, you just won't get a lot of "thinkers" in this section of YA. Most people in this area revert to name calling to get their point across. Most "anti's" refuse to put themselves in the shoes of someone else in an effort to see where the other side is coming from...

    I understand the whole "a law is a law" thing but some just can't wrap their heads around being decent & humane to others no matter the race.

    to answer your question, it would be scary & I'd probably become the BIGGEST ILLEGAL ever!!!!!!! haha!

  2. No. I do my best not to break laws.

    There is no reason to violate federal law of another country.

    Your excuses are only an attempt to excuse self serving criminal behavior.

  3. I, would do my duty for my fellow countrymen and stand against that government.  The United States didn't create something new in 1776, we simply upheld our beliefs and were willing to die for them.  The mexican government would rather pawn off its problems to the U.S, which is the country you are making reference to in this hypothetical question.  The mexican people are willing to "die" to come to america.  Why not be willing to "die" to remove the government in tact and fix it?  Oh, that's right.  Because there isn't a danger in coming here anymore.  They walk across an invisible fence, and get to claim how much we "owe" them for your suffering.

  4. too late...haha so or not I'm gonna do what I feel is best for me & mine just like the other couple of jokers on here...

  5. Absolutely !

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