
Would you believe that school was a way of programming ppls to believing only what the gov. teaches,?

by  |  earlier

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As you grow in life you only learn off what other tell you and teach you, they as parents only learn from where they come from and on and on. have you ever thought if the gov. limited what you learn, without studing or going out and finding you own answer. you will only know what ever one else know and belive with you only hear and never knowing if it was true, just cause i tell you that ex: tim tom discover the light bulb, does mean he did, or i teachg my children to belive that then they teach theirs that, the it will cont. and become a program, and you being the programmer without knowing, its a program that run thru the gov. to keep control with control and irogics there come power,i know




  1. Wait, you mean school isn't there to promote propaganda?  OMG!

  2. You're right.  As students in a school, you learn that the most important thing is to follow the rules and march when you hear the bell.

  3. The soviet union did it and others took notice and started to do the same.

  4. I dont think that it is necessarily programming people as much as it is trying to indoctrinate them, especially in developing countries.  In more developed countries, we see that there isnt a consensus on educational programs and that often people, especially young people, do not believe what the government teaches them.  Just look at the issue of creationism in education in the United States.  Would we say that the government has told us what to do there?  No.  They have left the door wide open.  I remember my history teacher telling me different reasons why the North and South fought during the Civil War, something completely different from what the text books and popular theory was.  The danger that I see is in the developing world.  There is hardly any civil restraint or oversight over many of these governemnts and they use the educational system to further their own cause.  They teach the students that to fight against the government is a way to certain death and that all that oppose should meet such an end.  These are the fears that we must be concerned with.

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