
Would you believe this bit of "NEWS"? below?

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"James Blunt Breaks A Finger"!! This surely is the end of the human race as we know it. A third rate nonentity breaks a finger! I know he is in some kind of band but thats as far as I can go on this one. What stupidity for front page news. Agree or not?




  1. You know I thought that, but didn't voice it.

    Not really news is it?  I mean a finger?

  2. Interesting?Neck maybe,finger? Na.

  3. Good good, it may even hamper his ability to play his guitar. Then we only have his voice box to mess with and we're flying free (of those bloody songs).

  4. I didnt see this in any papers today. Whatever paper it was in must be short of proper news.

  5. With a name like call him a nonentity?

  6. Do you read `celeb` mags .. if so you are contibuting to this **** .

  7. No. I expect if it was yr finger or mine the whole world would know about it.

  8. Haha.That is ridiculous!

    I don't even like James Blunt.

    Britain has adopted the celebrity culture: you either want to be famous or you want to know about famous people.

    Get on with your own bloody lives!

  9. THis is nothing - the other day I actualy switched over from BBC Breaksfast in the morning as they had a 10 MINUTE story on how people aren't polishing their shoes anymore. Seriously.

  10. Ah but it panders to the readers imaginations, I don't think.

    Its about as newsworthy  as the  Why cornflakes go soggy in milk story last year.

    Surely with all the news out there there was something more worthy than that as a front page.

  11. Definitely agree!  A few months ago they had American Brides on British news making pigs of themselves by stuffing as much food as they could eat. for a competition! I ask you! The content of the news channels is appalling and unworthy

  12. Unless it goes septic and he dies horribly, it's not really news.  

    And even then, not really news.  (harsh I know, but true).

  13. I know- who cares??  Well unfortunately I believe Americans are more drawn to entertainment news than actual news-worthy news. It is almost like a "break" from the boring lives that most of us live- to read up on other people who we envy their lives. Sure, breacking a finger is not front-page news to me, but it will grab the attention of millions of more Americans than if it wasnt there...wait... it just grabbed your attention! I agree with you- it is stupid!

  14. Well it takes all sorts

    My 7 year old actually bought his album as her first one

    Boy is she going to be embarrassed at 17!!

    To the question I have seen worse I remember the Freddie Starr ate my hamster one

  15. Agree. If one of us simple people break a finger, no one knows about it, other than your GP and a couple of family members or friends, but, certainly not a whole community.

  16. I looked at that headline and thought the same!

    News? Non News more like!

    I do hope his finger gets better, but there must be more interesting things going on!


  17. Millions of people are dying in all sorts of horrible ways & the only "news" if that some prat has broken his finger. What is the world coming to?

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