
Would you believe your preacher if things he said would happen didn't?

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If the preacher of your church told you something would happen on a set day and it never happened would you still believe what he said about anything else?




  1. He is just a man. You aren't perfect either. I would be very careful of him though since he suggested that he can predict the future in the first place. But give him the benefit of the doubt and if he does something like that again, go somewhere else.

  2. Nope

  3. Depends, Isaiah said some things that didn't happen for over 700 years! Some of them have yet to happen. Still, other things have already happened, Christ's death resurrection, ascension have happened, just like he foretold.

  4. What did he say?  Personally I would ask him about it myself.  I would ask him why he said such and such would happen and it didn't .  Then ask the Lord if you should stay in that church or not.

  5. No, that's one of the reasons I'm no longer a Christian.

  6. What did he say?

    Unless he claims to be a true prophet his 'tellings'

    would be a matter of opinion not a revelation from God.

  7. I have never heard anything out of a preacher's mouth that I did believe.

    Their track record ,certainly as far as truth is concerned,  is very poor.

  8. your preacher isn't supposed to predict the future!!!

    he's supposed to teach the word of God!!!!

  9. Preachers are people, just like you and me.  And they make mistakes, just like me and, I presume, you.

    The question is, why would your preacher make such a prediction?  What's the motivation?  The Bible says, if a so-called prophet makes a declaration that isn't true, then you don't need to pay him or her any regard.  It's in Deuteronomy 18.21-22.

    Please be careful.  There are lots of people out there who will lie to you for selfish purposes.  That doesn't mean there's no such thing as Truth and Love.  I'd look for someplace else to worship the Lord.

  10. Did he claim to be a prophet?

  11. Have you ever prayed and your wish didn't happen? Do you still believe in God?

    I both cases, God's and the preacher's, the answer should be no.

  12. Such a person as a preacher, when he speak in the manner of predictions, he then makes himself a prophet who prophecies.  Therefore (Deuteronomy.18:20-22) applies.  If what that person said does´nt come to pass, he was not speaking on the behalf of the true and living God, but was speaking presumptuously.

  13. Hard question to answer.

    Did he say God told him it would happen on that day? If that is so then he falls into the false prophet category and I would find another church because you have no idea where he will go with things.

    If he made the statement based on his understanding and did not drag God into it then he is in the same boat as all of us and just wrong. I would hope he would have the fortitude to stand up and admit he was wrong, ask for forgiveness and go on.

    A lot of what you should do is dependent on how he handles the situation. Test everything against the word of God, as man's understanding of it can often be flawed.

  14. I don't believe a pastor would be able to give specific dates to up coming events. Only our Lord knows the hour and the day.

  15. Of course not! He would be considered a false teacher, and someone should tell him that.  

  16. of course not, your preacher sounds like a buffoon

  17. Luke 19:11

    The apostles didn't lose faith, did they?

  18. Hmm. I would be asking why my preacher is carrying around a crystal ball.

  19. That sounds like fortune telling.....not the word of God

  20. He may be right about most things, but deceived in some areas.

    This is true about most every person on the face of the earth.

    I think if he shows humility and acknowledges where he missed it, there is yet hope for him.

    This is why YOU need to read the Bible, especially the New Testament for yourself.

  21. Probably would, because if he was speaking for God to me personally, you know how God is about answering prayer sometimes (testing our faith). just look at Abraham, Joseph, king David and others. On the other hand, if it was a date set (not personal) as to an event on earth, then in that case maybe not but I don't think I would right out just not beleive anything anymore unless things got real serious about them, I just wouldn't pay attention to them that's all, from there on I would just leave those things that he might say to God.

  22. I wouldn't believe anything that comes from a man who believes in Space Monkeys..

  23. Well considering no one can really predict the future, I think your church may be more focused on grandstanding than actual religion.  I would suggest finding a more genuine place to practice your belief system.

    Blessed be! )0(

  24. Peter said "But the end of all things is at hand" so he sure didn't know what the h**l he was talking about either.  And he called himself a saint.

  25. you need to pick up your bible and repent for thinking such things

  26. Why would you?  I'm no Christian, but this seems like a clear case of a "false prophet" to me.

  27. If he stated this as a prophecy of God, then he is a false prophet. If however he was only making a generic statement (next Tuesday, I'm having lunch at Arbys) that did not come true, I would re-consider.

    If it is the first case, know that God is very displeased.....

    Deuteronomy 18:20 'But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.' 21 "And if you say in your heart, 'How shall we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?' - 22 "when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.

  28. Preachers know how to handle their flock... they are no that dumb!

    According to the Bible, ONE SUREST SIGN of Jesus coming back and the Rapture™ is the slaughter of innocent children in the end of days! Some Christian preachers explain away this gross fact in the Bible… The Bible writers made it into a pattern that before any major event in Bible stories innocent children get slaughtered! This is a primitive trick to scare the heck out of religious people to catch their attention! When Israel was liberated from Egypt God had ALL the innocent first born children of Egyptian parents slaughtered on the spot! When Jesus was born ALL the innocent male children 2 years of age and under were slaughtered in a way that not even God the Holy Ghost could possibly comfort the grieving mothers! (Mat 2:18)  So it will be when Jesus comes back a lot of liberal Churches will loose ALL their CHILDREN… Jesus will have them slaughtered not in Iraq, but in the Churches!

    Revelation 2:23 (NIV) (Jesus says in his REVELATION for the last days) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*Just for the heck of it! Hey, No abortionist can beat Jesus at killing babies… AMEN???... Jesus is doing the killing of the innocent children to announce his return and at the same time teach everybody a lesson on WHO IS THE BOSS! In our society today Christians are very selective in what they preach from the Bible! Their PRO-LIFE bit is an afford to dissociate themselves from this kind of Jesus’ REVELATION…!) Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.* (*I’m the BOSS says Jesus Christ the LORD and I take it on the kids in the Churches! Jesus is promoting the killing of children of the wrong faith BY EXAMPLE! Not even the Mafia measures up to Jesus! Jesus’ infanticide mania comes from way back when God the Father highly favored anyone killing the innocent children of his enemies… because the Bible God has many enemies!)

    Psalm 137:8-9 (NIV) O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us- he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

    Jesus knows that the enemies of God ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them! In Bible times hardly anybody practiced abortions because it was easier and much safer to “dash the infants against the rocks” after they are born like God suggests in his Holy Word the Bible! Unwanted children were put out without any accountability right after they were born like it was done in Egypt to the willing Hebrew ladies. Christianity is not much of a civilized religion at all! Today, it is pure Christian PRO-LIFE bigotry of the worst kind that makes Christianity acceptable in our religious oriented society…!

    Luke 19:27 (NIV) (Jesus is very excited telling this story… most Christians prefer to ignore!) But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.

    Jesus is suggesting the slaughter by drowning of anybody causing a Christian who is weak in the Faith to stumble (Mat 18:6)… Jesus is also suggesting the shedding of body parts (Mat 5:29-30), INCLUDING male castration (Mat 19:12) (which is forbidden by the OT God’s “Be fruitful and multiply”) to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven!  Most Christians today don’t pay attention to Jesus’ gory suggestions, but throughout history many Christians got castrated (See Wikipedia, castration).  A lot of people paid with their lives for disobeying the Clergy, too including the witches and slaves that were killed here in America ONE NATION UNDER GOD! The first criminals to be sentence to death by hanging were witches! Remember that the Bible was written by men like you and I… wait! Not I... sorry, but like some right wing Christian weirdoes!  

    BTW… another sure sign of the impending Biblical “end of times” that hardly any Christian talks about is the FULL RESTORATION OF SODOM…!!!

    Ezekiel 16:48-49,53,55 (NIV) As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD* (*The LORD God Jehovah won’t lie!), your sister Sodom and her daughters NEVER DID what you* (*Jerusalem! --The dishonest preachers and clergy in general won’t tell you that according to the Bible writers JERUSALEM IS MUCH WORSE THAN SODOM...!!!) and your daughters have done. ”Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom* (*PLEASE NOTICE! It is not homosexuality at all!!!): She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy...* (*Neither God Almighty in Fairy Heaven nor God the Son Jesus Christ EVER MENTIONED THAT THE SIN OF SODOM was homosexuality!) [53] "However, I* (*God) will restore the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters, and your fortunes along with them… [55] And your sisters, SODOM WITH HER DAUGHTERS and Samaria with her daughters, WILL RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE; and you and your daughters will return to what you were before.

    Some of the most important Bible writers de facto admit that the destruction of Sodom was a mistake because Jerusalem turned out to be much worse than Sodom. According to the Bible God, Sodom and Gomorrah will be FULLY RESTORED to what they were BEFORE THEIR DESTRUCTION… Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! And this must be taking place right now before the 2nd coming of Jesus!  It is already getting fulfilled with the same s*x marriages going on in our very days…!!! You must know that the Sodomites were holier than Righteous Lot. Lot’s virgin daughters were engaged to be married to Sodomites who believed in virgin “purity” until marriage…!!! It was Righteous Lot who delivered his own virgin daughters for the unrestricted pleasure of some Sodomite g**s who were looking for the “strange” male visitors who wanted to spend the night outside in the main street of Sodom not at Lot’s pad! The Sodomites REFUSED TO HAVE s*x WITH LOT’S YOUNG VIRGIN AND INNOCENT DAUGHTERS, but Holy Lot got real drunk and had s*x with them until he got them pregnant! Christian dishonesty telling the alleged Sodom and Gomorrah story There is no trace of evidence that they ever existed so this is so disgusting for Bible believing Christians to hurt and persecute the g*y community just on a fairy tale!  A lot of innocent, but Bible ignorant and clergy obedient Christian bigots are actually preventing the fulfillment of Bible prophecies!  Hey, let’s give the Bible God a chance!  It is all in the BIBLE! It won’t be long before the Clergy will wise up to monitor the morality of same s*x marriages and of the ladies in desperate need of a decent abortion!

  29. So you are asking if i'd believe a false prophet? Because someone can say something will happen and be wrong whatever, but if they say it is God telling them, and it is wrong they are a false prophet...i.e. Sylvia Brown.

  30. I don't believe people who devote their lives to Fairytale worship anyway.

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