
Would you bring him to the hospital?

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A two month old infant wants to meet his new great grands but great dad is in the hospital and great mom won't leave great dad's side. It's a private room and great dad is not sick, but recovering from a fall. Do you think it's a safe environment for a healthy baby?




  1. A 2 month old will get nothing from the visit, Great granddad might.

  2. I wouldn't take a newborn to a place where the sickest people are sent.

    Pandemetic influenza has killed hundreds and is an airborne illness.

    Don't take a chance with a precious little one.

    A sick baby would make grandpa regretful.

    Love you,


  3. Just keep the babys' face covered until you get to the room.  I can't see any harm to it.Don't touch the babys' face after being in the room until you either wash your hands or use a santitizing lotion.  Staph infection is in hospitals and especially on the rails of beds, remotes, and t.v.s.I know this sounds strange but I heard it on a medical show and I believe it.  It's better to be safe than sorry anyway.  How hard could it be to wash your hands or take antibiotic wipes and just wipe your hands first.I take them when I have to go to the hospital and wipe it all down before I settle in.  If I'm not able then I haave my son do it for me.  People can think me crazy if they want----but I've had staph and it isn't easy to get rid of and it isn't fun to have.  I do all I can NOT to get it again.

  4. NO WAY.....There are far too many AIRBORNE bacteria that child could breath in & if it contracts Tuberculosis, you'll have to live knowing that you were the one who exposed the child to this horrid disease.  Hospitals are for the sick & dying & people who are healing.  The last thing any of them need is to be exposed to the germs the baby could carry to them & that baby certainly does not need to be exposed to the germs that are present in a hospital setting.  It's almost criminal to take an infant into an environment like that.  

    If you must visit, then only do so OUTDOORS & have the patient wheeled to a visiting area outside the building or to a window where they can view the baby that is being kept on the OUTSIDE of the building where the air is fresh & far less germ infested.

    I don't think hospitals allow children to visit, but it's been a long time since I was in one, so they just might allow it...I still would never recommend it...the risk is too high...for everyone.

  5. Is it possible to wait until the great grands come home, at the moment hospitals are rife with infections.

  6. I wouldn't chance it with a baby that young. Staph infections, including MRSA are rampant & an infant doesn't have what he needs to fight these infections. Most hospitals wouldn't let him in.

  7. Just for safety reasons alone I would keep the baby home

  8. It would be fine to take the baby there. My husband's grandmother wanted to see our new baby but she was in the hospital after heart surgery. We took the baby to see her and everything went well. We didn't wander around but went straight to the room and back.

  9. that's a tough decision with all the staph infections at all the hospitals.  Think I would wait until he goes home.

  10. Definitely not wait until his immune system is a bit stronger, no use taken risks with a new baby.

  11. No I don't think a hospital is a good place for visiting children over all. It may be safe. It may have the best record ever for infection control.

    Would I risk that? No I would not. He will be home soon enough and time to enjoy the little one.

  12. take the baby to the hospital it will do both great grandparents good

  13. Yes and it should cheer everyone up.

  14. I think it would be a very nice gesture. The great grand day would be thrilled and it would make his day. It certainly will not hurt the baby. It will not know where it is. But the love from the great grands can only bring joy to the baby and the grands. I think you would be doing a wonderful things for everyone concerned. We grand parents sometimes get looked over or left out. I would love you forever if you did something like that for me.

    Take that precious little one to see the great grands!! The baby will be better off there than out somewhere else.God Bless You Dear.

    By the way, the immune system for the baby is much stronger now than it will be at 6 months.

  15. If there was a chance that Grands wasn't coming home..if he was fighting his last fight so to speak...I'd ask Grandmom what she would want.  You don't really want a baby to disturb people who are sleeping, eating, hurting etc..

    If it's not serious, the kindest thing you could do for your grands and the baby is wait until he comes home.  This is really tough right now on your grandmom and you need to think of her as well as grands.

    Good luck and God bless

  16.    It's up to the hospital environment and not you or the doctor even. You don't know what might be the policy or, what may be going on or around. It's best to find out first for the safety of the infant although I do agree with you. It best to be safe then sorry, find out first.  

  17. A two-month old infant doesn't want anything but a dry bottom, food, and sleep.  Gimme a break.

  18. No, too much staph infections in hospitals!!  Even my Dr. told me that!

  19. If great grands are coming home soon I would wait unless they requested to see the infant and then I would take the baby to see grandpa as he may think he won't make it home.Seeing the baby would probably perk him right up.

  20. As long as everyone is not touching the baby, staff and others. I think it would be a great thing to bring the baby to visit. Germs have to be transmitted and clean hands prevent that.

  21. Yes, please take the child - no harm for the baby and will Boost granddads spirits immensely.  

  22. I have to agree with Nick on this one - hospitals are full of germs - no matter how careful their housekeeping staff might be.  I would not risk a grandchild of mine (of that age) in a hospital environment.    Hope this helps.                              CJ

  23. In a heartbeat, Great grandad is probably in an orthopedic ward, which the patients in there are not sick or contagious. It would do wonders for your grandparents. Do it..besides the nurses would love it..Evening visiting hours would be the best time..

  24. Yes.  It won't hurt the baby and it would probably do wonders for the grand dad.

    Let me add this:  if there were any danger to the baby or the patient they would ban children. Hospitals are obsessed about lawsuits.

  25. I would check with the hospital and see what they say.  

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