
Would you bring your cat into the vet immediately?

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I noticed today that one of my cats has been squinting her left eye. I was not worried about it because this has happened before but as the day went on I noticed her eye got a bit more watery and has begun to have a pretty clear discharge. I am willing to bring her to the vet but I am not sure they would do anything but give me antibiotics and tell me she will be fine. Has anyone's cat had this? Would you bring your cat in to the vet or wait it out another day or so?




  1. My cat had that once and we brought it to the vet they gave us stuff to heal it but it worked.

    We figured out that some thing had scratched my cats eye.

  2. Yes, please take your cat to the doctor. It could be the start of an infection or something causing it to water.

  3. Yes! Take it to the vet. You will probably get some eye  drops for it.

  4. just like with people when cats get something in their eyes they water and squint. but it could also be an early sign of and infection, so i would take kitty to the vet. good luck!

  5. id wait and see what it is. My cats have had that before, and they are always okay. your cat probly just has something in her eye. check. and put a warm washcloth on her eyes.

    good luck!

  6. well my kitty has allergys and her eyes water and have clear discharge.

    so maybe its just allergys.

  7. Yes, I would take her to the vet. Right now it could be just a simple scratch on her cornea. But, as bacteria invades, you might notice her eye become cloudy, and God forbid the bacteria will make it become ulcerated. Left untreated for long, your cat may go blind. It's better to be safe than sorry. An eye salve or antibiotic will be relatively inexpensive.

    Good luck.

  8. Call the vet and explain what you see. Yes, I would bring my cat in. It's cheaper to get the cat treatment right away then wait and see. I have brought my cat in right away when I thought there was a problem.  

  9. Upper respritory infection.  Commonly caused by the Herpies virus (feline of course).  Vet will give antibiotic to prevent secondary infection.  All of my cats were exposed to this virus and usually, if the cats have a good immune system, they can fight it off- however I believe prevention of a secondary infection is the best when you are dealing with an older cat or one that has a medical condition.  Cats do real well with amoxi drops and to save money on the medication, ask the vet to write you a script and fill it at the reg pharmacy.  The difference is about 18.00 bucks-  Take him to the vet.  If that is not something you can do right now get some L-lysine suppliment,  this is made in caps that you can break open- cats hate the taste- but it is recognized in most vet communities to surpress the virus- look it up on line-  

  10. I would take my cat to the Vet. They can stain the eye to check for any scratches. And if there is they would need to be treated. I don't mess around with eye injuries.

  11. It could be a scratch, URI upper respiratory infection (common cold), or the Herpes virus which is a normal thing cats can get just like humans.....which is more or less a worse cold/virus.  You should take it in immediately and they will possibly put drops in the eye to test for any damage or they might not find it necessary and prescribe the usual antibiotic.....amoxicillin......she'll be fine IF you get her treated.  It is VERY contagious to other cats if it is a cold or herpes.  SO TAKE HER!

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